Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

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List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Fibre Optic Modules Goods 2017/06/01
2017/06/06 Department of National Defence
Modulators Fibre Optic Goods 2015/01/29
2015/02/09 Department of National Defence
FIBER OPTICS MATERIALS Goods 2013/05/16 2013/05/31 Department of National Defence
FIBER OPTIC MODEM Goods 2013/01/08 2013/01/24 Department of National Defence
Request for Proposal (RFP) – Radio Frequency Components Goods 2018/07/23 2018/09/05 Department of National Defence
Halifax Class at Sea Research Capability Infrastructure (HASRI) Goods 2017/04/11
2017/04/21 Department of National Defence
NATIONAL SECURITY EXCEPTION Services related to goods, Goods, Services 2013/05/30
2012/09/13 Shared Services Canada
Email Transformation Initiative Goods, Services related to goods, Services 2013/05/30
2012/07/31 Shared Services Canada
Displaying 1 - 6 of
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List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Fibre Optic Modules Goods 2017/06/12 N/A Department of National Defence
Modulators Fibre Optic Goods 2015/03/02 N/A Department of National Defence
FIBER OPTICS MATERIALS Goods 2013/07/09 N/A Department of National Defence
FIBER OPTIC MODEM Goods 2013/01/31 N/A Department of National Defence
FIBER OPTIC MODEM Goods 2013/01/30 N/A Department of National Defence
Radio Frequency Components Goods 2018/11/05 N/A Department of National Defence
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List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Santa Barbara Infrared Inc W7701-186806/001/QCL Department of National Defence 2018/05/22 CAD 20,086.00
Marcomm Systems Group Inc. W3474-153041/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2015/03/02 CAD 59,664.00
DAFOCOM SOLUTIONS INC W8486-093588/001/HN Department of National Defence 2014/11/10 CAD -9,709.00
Dafocom Solutions Inc W8486-093588/001/HN Department of National Defence 2014/08/26 CAD 21,000.00
Dafocom Solutions Inc W8486-093588/001/HN Department of National Defence 2014/07/21 CAD 1,377,814.00
Dafocom Solutions Inc W8486-093588/001/HN Department of National Defence 2014/03/26 CAD 1,377,814.00
Dafocom Solutions Inc W8486-093588/001/HN Department of National Defence 2012/11/05 CAD 483,000.00
Dafocom Solutions Inc W8486-093588/001/HN Department of National Defence 2012/09/04 CAD 210,000.00
CABLEORGANIZER.COM W0107-09DG13/001/PET Department of National Defence 2009/02/17 CAD 5,898.00
Marcomm Systems Group Inc. W3474-170171/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2017/06/12 CAD 58,986.00

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