Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

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List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Carbonless Paper [EC10390] Goods 2022/05/11 2022/05/25 Elections Canada
NEXUS CANPASS Kiosks Receipts Goods 2018/08/21
2018/09/18 Canada Border Services Agency
Copy paper Goods 2023/07/06
2023/07/31 Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction
Carbonless Paper [EC10390] Goods 2022/05/11 2022/05/25 Elections Canada
Special Paper Goods 2020/12/15 2021/01/14 National Energy Board
Cancelled-84084-190053/A Goods 2020/12/14
2020/06/23 National Energy Board
Request for Information - Copy Paper Goods 2019/03/26 2019/04/15 Canada Revenue Agency
Multi-Purpose Paper Goods 2016/09/28
2016/10/13 Senate, The
Copy Paper Goods 2015/03/18
2015/03/30 Canada Revenue Agency
Office Supplies Goods 2022/04/19
2022/04/21 Canada Revenue Agency
EC10390 – 2-Part Reverse NCR Paper Goods 2019/03/01
2019/03/06 Elections Canada
Multi-Purpose Paper and Envelopes Goods 2021/08/26
2021/09/03 Senate, The
EC 10391 & EC 10396 Carbonless Paper Goods 2020/05/22
2020/05/27 Elections Canada
Request for Quote (RFQ) – Paper and Print Shop Supplies Goods, Services related to goods 2021/03/02 2021/03/29 Farm Credit Canada
Q-2022-80 White Bond Paper - Drop Shipment Goods 2022/09/29
2022/10/20 Edmonton Catholic Separate School Division
Q-2023-24 White Bond Paper - Drop Shipment Goods 2023/03/07
2023/03/28 Edmonton Catholic Separate School Division
Q-2023-70 White Bond Paper - Drop Shipment Goods 2023/07/26
2023/08/22 Edmonton Catholic Separate School Division
Displaying 1 - 9 of
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List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Special Paper Goods 2021/02/22 N/A National Energy Board
NEXUS CANPASS Kiosks Receipts Goods 2018/10/05 N/A Canada Border Services Agency
Paper - Copying, Bond, White for Photocopies, Printers, Fax and General… Goods 2012/05/30 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Paper - Copying, Bond, White for Photocopies, Printers, Fax and General… Goods 2012/05/30 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Paper - Copying, Bond, White for Photocopies, Printers, Fax and General… Goods 2012/05/30 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Cut Sheets for Paper and Continuous Stock Tab Forms Goods 2010/10/04 N/A Canada Revenue Agency
Office Supplies Goods 2022/08/03 N/A Canada Revenue Agency
EC10390 – 2-Part Reverse NCR Paper Goods 2019/05/07 N/A Elections Canada
EC 10391 & EC 10396 Carbonless Paper Goods 2020/06/10 N/A Elections Canada
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List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Spicers Canada ULC 84084-190053/001/CAL National Energy Board 2021/02/22 CAD 52,500.00
Média de caisses enregistreuses Inc. 47419-190634/001/PD Canada Border Services Agency 2019/04/23 CAD 162,400.00
Média de caisses enregistreuses Inc. 47419-190634/001/PD Canada Border Services Agency 2019/02/05 CAD 33,760.00
Média de caisses enregistreuses Inc. 47419-190634/001/PD Canada Border Services Agency 2018/10/05 CAD 25,320.00
Totem Offisource Inc. E60PD-14PAPR/002/PD Public Works and Government Services… 2015/01/09 CAD 600,000.00
Grand & Toy Limited E60PD-14PAPR/001/PD Public Works and Government Services… 2014/07/10 CAD 9,000,000.00
Totem Offisource Inc. E60PD-11PAPR/003/PD Public Works and Government Services… 2014/03/26 CAD 350,000.00
Totem Offisource Inc. E60PD-11PAPR/003/PD Public Works and Government Services… 2012/10/22 CAD 350,000.00
Nisha Technologies Inc. E60PD-11PAPR/002/PD Public Works and Government Services… 2012/10/22 CAD 650,000.00
Nisha Technologies Inc. E60PD-11PAPR/002/PD Public Works and Government Services… 2012/07/16 CAD 650,000.00

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