Tender opportunities

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10 of 14657
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
RFEOI Port Hawkesbury Ocean Innovation Centre Services 2023/10/19 2023/11/21 Town of Port Hawkesbury
RFP TOPH202314 Port Hawkesbury Public Works Building Goods, Construction 2023/12/18 2024/01/18 Town of Port Hawkesbury
Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre Generator and ATS Supply Construction, Goods 2023/10/05 2023/10/24 Town of Port Hawkesbury
OPMC_RFQ_Old Port of Montreal Revitalization Project (Phase 1) Construction, Services 2023/02/03
2023/02/20 Old Port Montréal
TOPH202411- SIDEWALKS AND ACCESSIBILITY UPGRADES TOWN OF PORT HAWKESBURY Goods, Construction 2024/08/21 2024/09/10 Town of Port Hawkesbury
Port Dover Search and Rescue Dock Repairs, Port Dover, Ontario Construction 2023/09/13
2023/09/19 Department of Public Works and Government…
Cancelled-K2B79-240550/A Goods 2024/02/12
2023/12/20 Environment Canada
Cancelled-NR79 Construction 2016/12/09
2016/12/13 National Capital Commission
Snow Removal - Port aux Basques Services 2020/08/14
2020/08/19 Marine Atlantic Inc.
Waste Removal - Port aux Basques Services 2020/12/10
2020/12/15 Marine Atlantic Inc.
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 60222
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Snow Removal - Port aux Basques Services 2020/10/01 N/A Marine Atlantic Inc.
Port Dover Search and Rescue Dock Repairs Services 2024/10/02
2023/12/13 Department of Public Works and Government…
EP168-240533 - BCR for 79 Bentley Services 2023/12/15
2023/12/15 Department of Public Works and Government…
Port-aux-Basques-MCTS Snow Clearing & Ice Control Services 2024/04/30
79 SPARKS ST. BUILDING UPGRADE Construction 2013/05/27 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
K2E79-220615 - Acoustic Recording Equipment Goods 2023/01/06
2022/03/31 Department of the Environment (ECCC )
7.9 - 8.1m Aluminium Catamaran w/ trailer Goods 2018/04/19 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Port aux Basques – MCTS Snow Removal and Ice Control Services 2022/01/31 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Detail Design Services for the Replacement of 79 Non-Structural Culverts Construction 2023/02/15 2023/08/16 Engineering Services - Northwestern Region
Amend 000 - BACS - 79 Prince of Whales, Ottawa Services 2024/07/04
2025/10/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
50 of 260226
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
PORTS 79 INC. W2037-220108/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2022/02/07 CAD 81,906.00
PORTS 79 INC. W0134-22R022/002/LP Department of National Defence 2022/04/08 CAD 11,760.00
PORTS 79 INC. W6399-23DB26/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2023/03/06 CAD 4,769.00
PORTS 79 INC. W6399-23DB26/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2023/02/27 CAD 17,974.00
PORTS 79 INC. W6399-23DB26/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2023/02/14 CAD 201,354.00
PORTS 79 INC. W4299-21CB01/001/MCT Department of National Defence 2022/10/21 CAD 96,976.00
PORTS 79 INC. W4299-21CB01/001/MCT Department of National Defence 2022/08/17 CAD 428,022.00
PORTS 79 INC. W4299-21CB01/001/MCT Department of National Defence 2022/07/29 CAD 428,022.00
PORTS 79 INC. W4299-21CB01/001/MCT Department of National Defence 2022/06/21 CAD 428,022.00
PORTS 79 INC. W4299-21CB01/001/MCT Department of National Defence 2022/06/17 CAD 331,046.00
PORTS 79 INC. W6399-22CA52/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2022/02/15 CAD 326,495.00
PORTS 79 INC. W0772-22AM01/001/LP Department of National Defence 2021/11/01 CAD -488,205.00
PORTS 79 INC. W0772-22AM01/001/LP Department of National Defence 2021/10/25 CAD 488,205.00
Port Aux Basques Snow Clearing Limited MA021-200033/001/HAL MARINE ATLANTIC INC. 2022/10/03 CAD 514,625.00
Port Aux Basques Snow Clearing Limited MA021-200033/001/HAL MARINE ATLANTIC INC. 2021/03/15 CAD 1,029,250.00
Port Aux Basques Snow Clearing Limited MA021-200033/001/HAL MARINE ATLANTIC INC. 2020/10/01 CAD 514,625.00
2220742 Ontario Ltd. CW2328292 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/10/02
CAD 193,367.86
2220742 Ontario Ltd. CW2328292 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/04/30
CAD 193,367.86
2220742 Ontario Ltd. CW2328292 Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/03/15
CAD 193,367.86
2220742 Ontario Ltd. CW2328292 Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/10/04 CAD 193,367.86
port of spain holdings inc F1571-208000/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/12/08 CAD -56,278.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-204430/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/10/20 CAD 23,675.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-204430/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/09/22 CAD -57,662.00
port of spain holdings inc F1571-208000/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/09/22 CAD -10,253.00
port of spain holdings inc F1571-208000/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/08/31 CAD 256,656.00
port of spain holdings inc EZ899-220465/001/PWY Public Works and Government Services… 2021/08/10 CAD 248,000.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-204430/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/07/23 CAD 52,073.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-204430/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/02/19 CAD 4,737.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-204430/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/02/19 CAD 43,800.00
port of spain holdings inc F1571-208000/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/02/11 CAD 499,110.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-204430/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/01/06 CAD 34,302.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-204430/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2020/10/26 CAD 1,051.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-204430/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2020/10/23 CAD 3,945.00
port of spain holdings inc EZ899-210991/001/PWY Public Works and Government Services… 2020/10/21 CAD 636,500.00
port of spain holdings inc K2D58-210307/001/PWL Environment Canada 2020/10/09 CAD 397,630.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-204430/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2020/10/07 CAD 1,871.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-204430/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2020/10/06 CAD 16,915.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-204430/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2020/08/13 CAD 487,000.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-195600/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2020/01/20 CAD 297,330.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-195600/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2019/11/28 CAD 297,330.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-195600/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2019/11/12 CAD 297,330.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-195600/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2019/11/01 CAD -670.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-195600/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2019/10/31 CAD 297,330.00
port of spain holdings inc F1700-195600/001/PWY Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2019/08/01 CAD 298,000.00
Port Electric Solutions Inc. F6855-170338/001/OLZ Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2018/06/20 CAD 233,776.00
Port Electric Solutions Inc. F7049-160345/001/QCW Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2018/05/16 CAD 146,073.00
Port Electric Solutions Inc. F6855-170338/001/OLZ Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2017/08/17 CAD 121,583.00
Port Electric Solutions Inc. F7049-160345/001/QCW Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2017/08/14 CAD 137,774.00
LES PORTES BALZAC INC. W0138-090091/001/BAP Department of National Defence 2009/12/02 CAD 17,078.00
Argentia Port Corporation Inc. F6854-090006/001/OLZ Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2009/11/27 CAD 88,140.00

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