Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 186
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Réfection du gymnase - école Brassard-St-Patrice pavillon St-Patrice Construction 2023/05/17 2023/06/09 Centre de services scolaire des Sommets
Services professionnels en architecture - Travaux de maintien des actifs… Services related to goods 2024/10/11
2024/10/08 Centre de services scolaire des Grandes…
Services professionnels en mise en service pour le projet de… Services 2023/03/31
2023/03/29 SQI - Direction des contrats de…
Services professionnels en génie civil et structure - Travaux de… Services related to goods 2024/10/11
2024/10/08 Centre de services scolaire des Grandes…
Services professionnels en Génie mécanique et électrique - Travaux de… Services related to goods 2024/10/11
2024/10/08 Centre de services scolaire des Grandes…
Programme d'aide aux employés Services related to goods 2024/07/05
2024/06/18 Institut national de psychiatrie légale…
Acquisition de machine distributrice automatisée d’uniformes Goods 2024/05/24
2024/05/24 Institut national de psychiatrie légale…
Service de déneigement 2023-2026 Services related to goods 2023/08/30 2023/09/25 Institut national de psychiatrie légale…
MOI coordonnateur d'activités cliniques Services related to goods 2024/07/27
2023/07/27 Institut national de psychiatrie légale…
service de consultant en sécurité physique Services related to goods 2024/07/18
2023/07/18 Institut national de psychiatrie légale…
Displaying 1 - 4 of
4 of 4
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Energy Services 2014/05/07 N/A Natural Resources Canada
Health and Allied Services, Not Elsewhere Specified Services 2012/07/19 N/A Correctional Service of Canada
Replacement of doors and windows - La Mauricie National Park revised… Construction 2018/07/17 N/A Parks Canada
Rehabilitation of the Dufferin Terrace Balustrade - Quebec Field Unit Construction 2019/09/26 N/A Parks Canada
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List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Patrice Pinel 23229-129462/027/SQ Natural Resources Canada 2018/12/07 CAD -183,964.00
Patrice Pinel 23229-129462/027/SQ Natural Resources Canada 2018/05/05 CAD 197,072.00
Patrice Pinel 23229-129462/027/SQ Natural Resources Canada 2017/04/21 CAD 118,650.00
Patrice Pinel 23229-129462/027/SQ Natural Resources Canada 2015/12/15 CAD 197,072.00
Patrice Pinel 23229-129462/027/SQ Natural Resources Canada 2014/05/07 CAD 262,386.00
INSTITUT PHILIPPE PINEL DE MONTREAL 21301-139413/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2012/12/10 CAD 2,295,867.00
INSTITUT PHILIPPE PINEL DE MONTREAL 21301-139413/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2012/11/30 CAD 468,645.00
INSTITUT PHILIPPE PINEL DE MONTREAL 21301-139413/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2012/10/02 CAD 2,295,867.00
INSTITUT PHILIPPE PINEL DE MONTREAL 21301-139413/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2012/07/19 CAD 1,827,222.00
Patric Chausse, Dan Lebrun 5P450-100646/001/VIC Parks Canada 2011/01/07 CAD 12,075.00
Patric Chausse, Dan Lebrun 5P450-100646/001/VIC Parks Canada 2011/03/30 CAD 12,075.00

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