Tender opportunities

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10 of 7940
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
(ACAN) - High pressure die casting process for aluminium alloys Services 2024/07/30
2024/07/30 Natural Resources Canada
23375-240458 - GalinSn-Indium-Tin Alloy Goods 2024/01/18
2024/01/26 Department of Natural Resources (NRCan)
PR15818_23240-25401 Gallium Tin Metal Alloy Goods 2024/11/05
2024/11/21 Department of Natural Resources (NRCan)
Retrofit For High-Pressure Die Casting Control System Goods 2024/08/29
2024/08/29 National Research Council Canada
PR15818_23240-25401 Liquid Gallium Tin Metal Alloy Goods 2024/12/17
2024/12/18 Department of Natural Resources (NRCan)
Municipal Castings 2023/04/27 2023/05/11 City of Delta
Seed Purity and ID Auto Analyser Goods 2019/01/03 2019/01/18 Canadian Food Inspection Agency
2025/01/23 Mohawk Medbuy Corporation
CAST CONCEPT STUDIES Services 2014/09/23
2014/10/28 Canadian Space Agency
Vacuum centrifugal casting system Goods 2014/02/17
2014/02/19 National Research Council Canada
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 25309
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
(ACAN) - High pressure die casting process for aluminium alloys Services 2024/09/10 2028/03/31 Natural Resources Canada
Supply, ship & deliver 625 Anodes (shall mean Anodes, Sacrificial… Goods 2022/02/16 N/A Department of National Defence
Retrofit For High-Pressure Die Casting Control System Goods 2024/11/10 2025/10/10 National Research Council Canada
31206-237781 - Robotic spraying system and manifold for aluminium high… Goods 2024/09/08
2024/09/08 National Research Council of Canada (NRC)
Anode & Float Ladder Fabrication Goods 2018/04/10 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
CAST CONCEPT STUDIES Services 2014/12/04 N/A Canadian Space Agency
Seed Purity and ID Auto Analyser Goods 2019/01/23 N/A Canadian Food Inspection Agency
W684H-240182 Anodes Sacrificial Zinc Alloy Goods 2024/06/20
2025/04/11 Department of National Defence (DND)
Pre-cast Concrete Vault Toilets Goods 2020/07/03 N/A Parks Canada
Vacuum centrifugal casting system Goods 2014/02/27 N/A National Research Council Canada
50 of 141230
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Purity Casting Alloys Ltd. W684H-220073/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2022/02/16 CAD 117,875.00
Purity Casting Alloys Ltd. F1571-175081/001/XLV Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2018/05/14 CAD -2,300.00
Purity Casting Alloys Ltd. W8482-120179/002/HL Department of National Defence 2012/01/25 CAD 80,165.00
Purity Casting Alloys Ltd. F1571-175081/001/XLV Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2019/02/26 CAD 92,484.00
Purity Casting Alloys Ltd. F1571-175081/001/XLV Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2018/05/09 CAD 274,144.00
Purity Casting Alloys Ltd. F1571-175081/001/XLV Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2018/04/10 CAD 183,960.00
Purity Casting Alloys Ltd. W8482-128419/001/HL Department of National Defence 2011/07/26 CAD 38,183.00
Purity Casting Alloys Ltd. W8482-115258/001/HL Department of National Defence 2010/08/25 CAD 9,386.00
Indurate Alloys Ltd. 31026-177711/001/MTA National Research Council Canada 2018/02/19 CAD 48,577.00
Langley Alloys Ltd The Wharf W0103-116294/001/VIC Department of National Defence 2010/04/26 CAD 4,346.00
Alloy Software 23258-093229/001/MTA Natural Resources Canada 2009/02/18 CAD -2,417.00
Alloy Software 23258-093229/001/MTA Natural Resources Canada 2009/01/30 CAD 12,821.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD. W8476-134218/001/BL Department of National Defence 2014/04/03 CAD 9,695,006.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD. W8476-134218/001/BL Department of National Defence 2017/09/26 CAD -100,000.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD. W8476-134218/001/BL Department of National Defence 2017/03/07 CAD 11,354.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD. W8476-134218/001/BL Department of National Defence 2016/06/15 CAD 9,695,006.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD. W8476-134218/001/BL Department of National Defence 2015/12/22 CAD 808,778.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD. W8476-134218/001/BL Department of National Defence 2015/06/09 CAD 9,695,006.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD. W8476-134218/001/BL Department of National Defence 2013/12/19 CAD 8,974,874.00
ALLOY SALES INC W0103-126480/001/VIC Department of National Defence 2011/07/12 CAD 5,802.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD W8486-129235/001/BLB Department of National Defence 2011/11/23 CAD 20,935.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD W8486-129235/001/BLB Department of National Defence 2011/05/30 CAD 20,935.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD W8486-109482/001/BL Department of National Defence 2009/08/21 CAD 723,124.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD W8486-129235/001/BLB Department of National Defence 2011/11/23 CAD 20,935.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD W8486-115858/001/BLB Department of National Defence 2010/12/07 CAD 29,701.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD W8486-103353/001/BL Department of National Defence 2010/03/30 CAD 359,125.00
URDAN METAL & CASTING INDUSTRIES LTD W8486-109482/001/BL Department of National Defence 2009/11/30 CAD 723,124.00
MEIGH CASTINGS W7707-094860/001/GRK Department of National Defence 2009/10/01 CAD 5,377.00
Lincoln Electric Automation, Inc. CW2289632 National Research Council of Canada (NRC) 2024/09/08
CAD 30,650.34
Lincoln Electric Automation, Inc. CW2289632 National Research Council of Canada (NRC) 2023/09/08 CAD 232,620.26
Lincoln Electric Automation, Inc. CW2289632 National Research Council of Canada (NRC) 2024/08/21
CAD 30,650.34
Smarter Alloys Inc. UT849-209102/001/SC INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2019/12/17 CAD 460,000.00
Smarter Alloys Inc. UT849-209102/001/SC INNOV, SCI AND ECON DEVT CAN 2019/10/22 CAD 460,000.00
4Cast Inc 35035-161691/001/PI Privy Council Office 2017/02/27 CAD 5,641.00
NU-CAST INC 31034-086560/001/VIC National Research Council Canada 2009/09/03 CAD -4,400.00
NU-CAST INC 31034-086560/001/VIC National Research Council Canada 2009/02/09 CAD 44,600.00
Alloy Surfaces Company, inc. W8484-09WA15/001/BK Department of National Defence 2011/07/11 CAD 7,468,402.00
Alloy Surfaces Company, inc. W8484-09WA15/001/BK Department of National Defence 2011/07/08 CAD 2,653,992.00
Alloy Surfaces Company, inc. W8484-09WA15/001/BK Department of National Defence 2011/03/18 CAD 7,468,402.00
Alloy Surfaces Company, inc. W8484-09WA15/001/BK Department of National Defence 2010/10/21 CAD 7,468,402.00
Alloy Surfaces Company, inc. W8484-09WA15/001/BK Department of National Defence 2010/10/05 CAD 2,214,202.00
Alloy Surfaces Company, inc. W8484-10WA32/001/BK Department of National Defence 2010/07/23 CAD 390,566.00
Alloy Surfaces Company, inc. W8484-09WA12/001/BK Department of National Defence 2009/10/27 CAD 650,210.00
Alloy Surfaces Company, inc. W8475-09SA41/002/AP Department of National Defence 2009/07/23 CAD 269,868.00
Alloy Surfaces Company, inc. W8484-09WA15/001/BK Department of National Defence 2011/01/14 CAD 2,600,208.00
ULTIMATE CASTING SOLUTIONS INC. 23240-106581/001/PV Natural Resources Canada 2010/02/08 CAD 92,400.00
West Coast Alloys & Tube W0103-12C015/001/VIC Department of National Defence 2011/08/31 CAD 7,351.00
High Purity Water Services Inc E60PV-19EQUI/007/PV Public Works and Government Services… 2022/08/19 CAD 0.00
High Purity Water Services Inc E60PV-19EQUI/007/PV Public Works and Government Services… 2021/12/09 CAD 0.00
High Purity Water Services Inc E60PV-19EQUI/007/PV Public Works and Government Services… 2021/05/14 CAD 0.00

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