Tender opportunities

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10 of 11726
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Provision of Leopard RESOLVER,ELECTRICAL IMA22006R1 Request for Proposal Goods 2022/11/08 2022/11/24 NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Homogenous Time Resolved Fluorescence (HTRF) Plate Reader Goods 2020/01/28
2020/02/06 Department of National Defence
Frequency Resolved Optical Gating Scanning Type System Goods 2016/08/10 2016/08/25 National Research Council Canada
Supply of digital resolver for S70-A28 for Turkey ABE220035A Request for… Goods 2023/01/10 2023/02/02 NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Davinci Resolve Color Grading System or Equivalent for Libraries and… Goods 2023/12/25 2024/01/03 Shared Services Canada
Davinci Resolve Color Grading System or Equivalent for Libraries and… Goods 2023/12/11
2023/12/22 Shared Services Canada
Invitation to Qualify - Rail Transportation Services in support of the… Services 2022/01/10 2022/01/24 Department of National Defence
Invitation to Qualify - Rail Transportation Services in support of the… Services 2022/12/19
2022/12/21 Department of National Defence
Development of spatially resolved exposure surfaces of PM2.5 Mass… Services 2022/10/04 2022/11/03 Health Canada
: Development of Hybrid Models to Predict Spatially and Temporally… Services 2014/05/27 2014/06/05 Health Canada
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 60599
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Homogenous Time Resolved Fluorescence (HTRF) Plate Reader Goods 2020/02/28 N/A Department of National Defence
Frequency Resolved Optical Gating Scanning Type System Goods 2016/08/26 N/A National Research Council Canada
French Translation Services - Marine Atlantic Inc. Services 2021/02/16 N/A Marine Atlantic Inc.
Development of spatially resolved exposure surfaces of PM2.5 Mass… Services 2022/11/21 N/A Health Canada
Financial Advisory Services Consultant in connection with The Allen… Services 2020/10/09 N/A Parc Downsview Park Inc.
Financial Advisory Services Consultant in connection with The Allen… Services 2020/10/09 N/A Parc Downsview Park Inc.
Amend 002 - RISO - UPS System Maintenance - UNIVERSAL POWER SOLUTIONS… Services 2023/12/11
2025/12/15 Marine Atlantic Inc. (MarineAtlantic)
Dishwasher &Laundry Chemical Supply Goods 2020/11/17 N/A Marine Atlantic Inc.
Marine Satellite Communications - Ship to Shore Vessel Communication Services 2021/06/14 N/A Marine Atlantic Inc.
Ship Mooring Services Services 2022/12/23 N/A Marine Atlantic Inc.
50 of 262730
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Resolver Inc. 47175-092643/001/EE Canada Border Services Agency 2009/03/24 CAD 7,802.00
RESOLVER INC. W8484-127468/001/XL Department of National Defence 2012/03/01 CAD 24,996.00
Resolve ADR Incorporated A0318-144449/001/ZG INDIGENOUS AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA 2014/09/15 CAD 2,723,732.00
Resolve ADR Incorporated A0318-144449/001/ZG INDIGENOUS AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA 2018/08/22 CAD -2,282,753.00
Resolve Corporation G7462-040002/001/XQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2013/02/28 CAD 896,967,708.00
Resolve Corporation G7462-040002/001/XQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2012/04/04 CAD 40,953,444.00
Resolve Corporation G7462-040002/001/XQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2011/04/05 CAD 4,210,500.00
Resolve Corporation G7462-040002/001/XQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2010/11/30 CAD 896,967,708.00
Resolve Corporation G7462-040002/001/XQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2010/07/08 CAD 8,400,000.00
Resolve Corporation G7462-040002/001/XQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2010/07/05 CAD 9,851,175.00
Resolve Corporation G7462-040002/001/XQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2010/06/07 CAD 4,919,529.00
Resolve Corporation G7462-040002/001/XQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2009/11/27 CAD 896,967,708.00
Resolve Corporation G7462-040002/001/XQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2010/12/29 CAD 896,967,708.00
Resolve Corporation G7462-040002/001/XQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2009/08/28 CAD 10,732,269.00
Resolve Corporation G7462-040002/001/XQ Employment and Social Development Canada 2009/03/19 CAD 5,250,000.00
Resolve Corporation V9230-000001/001/KC4 Social Development Canada 2009/03/26 CAD 1,050,000.00
Resolve Salvage & Fire (Americas), Inc. F6813-150013/001/XAQ Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2016/09/21 CAD 382,033.00
Resolve Salvage & Fire (Americas), Inc. F6813-150013/001/XAQ Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2016/07/05 CAD 4,993,631.00
Resolve Salvage & Fire (Americas), Inc. F6813-150013/001/XAQ Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2016/09/01 CAD 46,000.00
Resolve Real Property Expertise Inc. E60ZT-180026/054/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2021/01/20 CAD 0.00
Resolve Real Property Expertise Inc. E60ZT-120001/801/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2015/09/25 CAD 0.00
Resolve Real Property Expertise Inc. E60ZT-120001/801/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2015/07/28 CAD 0.00
Resolve Salvage & Fire (Americas), Inc. F1802-200081/001/XLV Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/07/09 CAD -1,228,518.00
Resolve Salvage & Fire (Americas), Inc. F1802-200081/001/XLV Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2021/03/12 CAD 7,304,937.00
RESOLVE REAL PROPERTY EXPERTISE INC., SITE ECONOMICS LTD., IN JOINT… E60ZN-15TSPS/349/ZN Public Works and Government Services… 2016/08/18 CAD 0.00
RESOLVE REAL PROPERTY EXPERTISE INC., SITE ECONOMICS LTD., IN JOINT… E60ZN-15TSPS/349/ZN Public Works and Government Services… 2017/05/23 CAD 0.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8485-125391/003/BY Department of National Defence 2012/11/28 CAD -315.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8485-125391/003/BY Department of National Defence 2012/09/05 CAD 116,761.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8486-135237/001/HN Department of National Defence 2012/08/22 CAD 14,736.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8485-113481/002/BY Department of National Defence 2010/10/18 CAD 157,803.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8483-096759/001/PY Department of National Defence 2009/07/14 CAD 840.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8483-096759/001/PY Department of National Defence 2009/07/09 CAD 11,022.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8482-145911/001/HN Department of National Defence 2014/06/03 CAD 40,774.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8482-145911/001/HN Department of National Defence 2013/10/30 CAD 40,774.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8486-135237/001/HN Department of National Defence 2012/08/22 CAD 14,736.00
SIMEX DEFENCE INC. / DEFENSE SIMEX INC. W8485-125391/003/BY Department of National Defence 2011/10/07 CAD 117,076.00
CMC ELECTRONICS INC./CMC ELECTRONIQUE INC. 5FB0A-12D370/001/BY Canadian Commercial Corporation 2011/09/07 CAD 26,039.00
Unisource Technology Inc W8485-125788/003/BY Department of National Defence 2011/12/06 CAD 42,468.00
Unisource Technology Inc W8483-096758/001/PY Department of National Defence 2009/03/18 CAD 9,309.00
Unisource Technology Inc W8485-125788/003/BY Department of National Defence 2013/02/14 CAD -41,283.00
Eptix Electronics Inc. W8485-126335/001/HN Department of National Defence 2011/10/12 CAD 101,743.00
Eptix Electronics Inc. W8485-126335/001/HN Department of National Defence 2011/10/12 CAD 101,743.00
Universal Power Solutions Inc. MA021-210086/001/HAL Marine Atlantic Inc. (MarineAtlantic) 2023/12/11
CAD 138,000.00
Areotech Inc W0046-10Q082/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/08/24 CAD 8,480.00
FreeBalance Inc. 96001-090001/001/XL PPP Canada Inc. 2009/10/16 CAD 73,500.00
Marlink Inc. MA021-200052/001/HAL MARINE ATLANTIC INC. 2021/07/14 CAD 154,753.00
Marlink Inc. MA021-200052/001/HAL MARINE ATLANTIC INC. 2021/06/23 CAD 154,753.00
Marlink Inc. MA021-200052/001/HAL MARINE ATLANTIC INC. 2021/06/14 CAD 154,753.00
Mega Marine Inc. MA021-220130/001/HAL MARINE ATLANTIC INC. 2022/12/23 CAD 345,000.00
George Courey Inc. MA021-190015/001/HAL MARINE ATLANTIC INC. 2020/05/22 CAD 200,000.00

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