SAP Ariba system maintenance

SAP Ariba will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience.

  • Saturday, October 5 from 8:00 pm until October 6 12:00am (EDT) 

Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

10 of 21318
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Transport of Dangerous Goods in Northern Canada - Logistics Analysis Services 2018/09/12
2018/10/22 Transport Canada
Mailroom Clerk/Messenger service in the National Capital Region (NCR)… Services 2020/09/17
2020/10/29 Transport Canada
Transportation Corridor Performance and Investments Services 2019/01/22 2019/02/06 Transport Canada
Transportation of Dangerous Goods in Ontario Services 2020/10/02 2020/10/21 Transport Canada
Economic Impacts of Domestic Marine Transportation Services Services 2020/08/21 2020/09/30 Transport Canada
Transportation of Dangerous Goods in the province of Quebec Services 2020/03/11 2020/03/30 Transport Canada
Transportation And Economic Analysis Data Vault Services 2022/11/14 2022/12/06 Transport Canada
Transport Canada - Senior Learning Advisor Services 2023/01/30 2023/02/14 Transport Canada
Northern Transportation Systems Assessment (NTSA) Services 2018/04/25
2018/04/30 Transport Canada
2017/12/13 Canadian Transportation Agency
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 27688
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Supply & Deposit Traffic Gravel PR 315 in the RM of Alexander Construction 2024/06/03 2024/07/19 Manitoba Transportation and…
Winter Maintenance Operations Lac Du Bonnet and Nopiming Provincial Park… Construction 2023/10/18 2024/03/31 Manitoba Transportation and…
Winter Operations Operations Rice River Road Construction 2023/10/18 2024/03/31 Manitoba Transportation and…
Loading, Hauling & Depositing Traffic gravel on the Rice River Road Construction 2023/08/14 2023/08/31 Manitoba Transportation and…
Transportation (R&D) Services 2015/12/03 N/A Transport Canada
Transportation (R&D) Services 2013/11/23 N/A Transport Canada
CLEARING AND BLASTING AT RICE CREEK ON PR 315 Construction 2024/02/07 2024/03/31 Manitoba Infrastructure - Contract…
Dragging Nopiming Provincial Park Areas Construction 2023/04/14 2023/10/31 Manitoba Infrastructure - Contract…
SUPPLY & DEPOSIT TRAFFIC GRAVEL “C” ON PR 315 Construction 2023/01/25 2023/07/07 Manitoba Infrastructure - Contract…
STOCKPILING AGGREGATES (EPP) PR 304 IN UNORGANIZED TERRITORY Construction 2023/01/25 2023/03/31 Manitoba Infrastructure - Contract…
50 of 146680
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
MORR Transportation Consulting Ltd. T8156-140053/001/SS Transport Canada 2017/06/13 CAD 142,380.00
MORR Transportation Consulting Ltd. T8156-140053/001/SS Transport Canada 2017/02/02 CAD 142,380.00
MORR Transportation Consulting Ltd. T8156-140053/001/SS Transport Canada 2015/12/03 CAD 142,380.00
Urban Valley Transport Ltd. EN578-200920/008/LS Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/07/18
CAD 0.00
Urban Valley Transport Ltd. EN578-200920/008/LS Department of Public Works and Government… 2019/10/22 CAD 0.00
Urban Valley Transport Ltd. EN578-200920/008/LS Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/07/18
CAD 0.00
Able Transport Ltd. W8160-120023/001/TOR Department of National Defence 2013/09/30 CAD 67,800.00
Able Transport Ltd. W8160-120023/001/TOR Department of National Defence 2012/10/23 CAD 67,800.00
Transportation Technology Center, Inc. T8009-180251/001/TOR Department of Transport (TC) 2024/02/29
CAD 759,166.26
Urban Valley Transport Ltd. EN578-200920/008/LS Public Works and Government Services… 2020/12/02 CAD 0.00
CENTURY TRANSPORTATION LTD. W0125-15H003/013/KIN Department of National Defence 2017/05/23 CAD 211,754.00
CENTURY TRANSPORTATION LTD. W0125-15H003/013/KIN Department of National Defence 2016/06/27 CAD 211,754.00
Hammond Transportation Ltd. W0125-15H003/010/KIN Department of National Defence 2016/06/14 CAD 211,754.00
Hammond Transportation Ltd. W0125-15H003/010/KIN Department of National Defence 2018/06/04 CAD 211,754.00
CENTURY TRANSPORTATION LTD. W0125-15H003/013/KIN Department of National Defence 2018/06/04 CAD 211,754.00
Hammond Transportation Ltd. W0125-15H003/010/KIN Department of National Defence 2017/05/23 CAD 211,754.00
TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY CENTER INC T8009-180251/001/TOR Transport Canada 2022/12/05 CAD 381,277.16
TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY CENTER INC T8009-180251/001/TOR Transport Canada 2022/09/08 CAD 271,520.00
TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY CENTER INC T8009-180251/001/TOR Transport Canada 2022/05/24 CAD 381,277.16
TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY CENTER INC T8009-180251/001/TOR Transport Canada 2021/05/13 CAD 84,617.00
Magnovate Transportation Inc T8125-130064/001/SS Transport Canada 2013/11/22 CAD 226,000.00
Urban Valley Transport Ltd. E60LM-140025/012/LM Public Works and Government Services… 2019/01/09 CAD 0.00
Urban Valley Transport Ltd. E60LM-140025/012/LM Public Works and Government Services… 2018/01/05 CAD 0.00
PW Transportation W0125-15H003/015/KIN Department of National Defence 2018/06/04 CAD 211,754.00
PW Transportation W0125-15H003/015/KIN Department of National Defence 2017/05/23 CAD 211,754.00
PW Transportation W0125-15H003/015/KIN Department of National Defence 2016/06/28 CAD 211,754.00
Bigstone Medical Transport Ltd. HT434-132531/001/WPG Health Canada 2018/01/17 CAD 503,475.00
Bigstone Medical Transport Ltd. HT434-132531/001/WPG Health Canada 2017/06/29 CAD 395,520.00
Bigstone Medical Transport Ltd. HT434-132531/001/WPG Health Canada 2016/06/23 CAD 3,303,607.00
Bigstone Medical Transport Ltd. HT434-132531/001/WPG Health Canada 2015/06/24 CAD 304,612.00
Bigstone Medical Transport Ltd. HT434-132531/001/WPG Health Canada 2014/04/30 CAD 2,100,000.00
JARDINE TRANSPORT LTD./TRANSPORT JARDINE LTEE E60LM-160029/031/LM Public Works and Government Services… 2020/03/31 CAD 0.00
JARDINE TRANSPORT LTD./TRANSPORT JARDINE LTEE E60LM-160029/031/LM Public Works and Government Services… 2018/10/23 CAD 0.00
Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc. T8200-077514/001/MTB Transport Canada 2012/02/29 CAD 209,990.00
Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc. T8200-077514/001/MTB Transport Canada 2010/01/07 CAD 209,990.00
Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc. T8200-077514/001/MTB Transport Canada 2011/11/18 CAD 209,990.00
Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc. T8200-077514/001/MTB Transport Canada 2011/08/09 CAD 209,990.00
Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc. T8200-077514/001/MTB Transport Canada 2011/06/13 CAD 209,990.00
Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc. T8200-077514/001/MTB Transport Canada 2011/03/10 CAD 209,990.00
Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc. T8200-077514/001/MTB Transport Canada 2010/11/04 CAD 209,990.00
Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc. T8200-077514/001/MTB Transport Canada 2010/01/14 CAD 209,990.00
Perry Transport Limited M7594-221982/001/LS Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2022/02/08 CAD 882,288.00
Northern Transportation Company Limited 5FUSA-08L018/001/LM Canadian Commercial Corporation 2010/05/07 CAD 2,909,884.00
Northern Transportation Company Limited 5FUSA-08L018/001/LM Canadian Commercial Corporation 2010/05/21 CAD 11,111,365.00
Northern Transportation Company Limited 5FUSA-08L018/001/LM Canadian Commercial Corporation 2010/05/19 CAD 72,444.00
Northern Transportation Company Limited 5FUSA-08L018/001/LM Canadian Commercial Corporation 2009/10/15 CAD 29,566.00
Northern Transportation Company Limited 5FUSA-08L018/001/LM Canadian Commercial Corporation 2009/03/31 CAD 2,800,000.00
Transportation Technology Center, Inc. T8009-180251/001/TOR Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/09/29
CAD 269,334.16
NORTH ARM TRANSPORTATION LTD. E60HL-210020/015/HL Transport Canada 2021/08/20 CAD 222,882.00
TRANSPORT FERROVIAIRE TSHIUETIN INC. W0130-12A037/001/QCL Department of National Defence 2013/02/04 CAD 87,179.00

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