Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 604
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Joe Sandbox Cloud Pro Ultimate Joe Security LLC Goods 2022/07/26 2022/08/08 OCIO Enterprise Services
MRTT Aircraft Seat Covers from SAFRAN SEATS USA LLC 21LBS086 Future… Goods 2021/12/03 N/A NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
ALT-8000 Radio Altimeter Test Set - Viavi Solutions LLC Goods 2021/06/14 2021/06/29 Industry Canada
TRIUMPH ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEMS LLC Spare parts used on helicopter UH-1H… Goods 2024/05/02 2024/05/12 NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Technology and Innovation - Advanced Contract Award Notice / Notice of… Services 2024/07/11 2024/07/22 Technology and Innovation
2021/01/15 Department of National Defence
Halifax class spares - HPA Valves Goods 2024/10/09
2024/09/25 National Defence
Air Dryer Spares Goods 2024/05/10
2024/05/10 National Defence
HVAC Upgrade – Lake Louise Compound, AB Construction 2015/05/27
2015/06/02 Parks Canada
Relocation & Storage Services Services 2018/06/18
2018/06/18 Foreign Affairs, Trade And Development (…
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 1302
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
ProQuest LLC Goods 2024/03/01
2024/02/29 Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
45045-240018 - AirDNA LLC Data Subscription Goods 2024/10/01 2027/09/30 Statistics Canada (StatCan)
Amend 006 - Supply Arrangement for Loaders - Doosan Infracore North… Goods 2024/09/26
2024/06/28 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 004 - Environmental Services - Anchor QEA, LLC Services 2023/12/22
2023/12/22 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 001 - Information Products - Politico llc Goods 2024/02/05
2024/02/04 Department of the Environment (ECCC )
Amend 002 - CAIT TRAINING SERVICES - STORMWIND, LLC Services 2023/09/08
2027/03/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 002 - CAIT TRAINING SERVICES - STORMWIND, LLC Services 2023/09/08
2027/03/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Allium US Holding LLC - License subscription Goods 2024/06/14 2025/05/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 002 - Therapeutic Research Center, LLC Goods 2024/04/30
2024/04/30 Department of Health (HC)
Amend 001 - Information Products - AIP Publishing LLC Goods 2024/09/23
2024/12/31 Department of National Defence (DND)
50 of 3489
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Robbins-Gioia, LLC. EN578-055605/144/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2010/11/17 CAD 0.00
Robbins-Gioia, LLC. EN578-055605/347/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2010/10/21 CAD 0.00
Robbins-Gioia, LLC. EN537-05IT01/033/EI Treasury Board of Canada 2014/11/25 CAD 0.00
Robbins-Gioia, LLC. E60BQ-01ISSA/628/ZG Public Works and Government Services… 2009/04/07 CAD 0.00
Robbins-Gioia, LLC. EN537-05IT01/033/EI Public Works and Government Services… 2010/06/09 CAD 0.00
Robbins-Gioia, LLC. E60BQ-01ISSA/628/ZG Public Works and Government Services… 2010/04/01 CAD 0.00
ProQuest LLC CW2269009 Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 2023/03/01 CAD 68,378.09
ProQuest LLC CW2269009 Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) 2024/03/01
CAD 68,378.09
AirDNA LLC. CW2370945 Statistics Canada (StatCan) 2024/10/01 CAD 103,080.00
Doosan Infracore North America LLC E60HS-18LOAD/004/HS Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/08/16
CAD 0.00
HD Hyundai Infracore North America LLC E60HS-18LOAD/004/HS Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/09/26
CAD 0.00
HD Hyundai Infracore North America LLC E60HS-18LOAD/004/HS Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/06/28
CAD 0.00
HD Hyundai Infracore North America LLC E60HS-18LOAD/004/HS Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/04/11
CAD 0.00
HD Hyundai Infracore North America LLC E60HS-18LOAD/004/HS Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/09/26
CAD 0.00
Anchor QEA, LLC EZ897-201145/001/VAN Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/12/22
CAD 7,200,000.00
Anchor QEA, LLC EZ897-201145/001/VAN Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/12/20
CAD 7,200,000.00
Anchor QEA, LLC EZ897-201145/001/VAN Department of Public Works and Government… 2023/06/23
CAD 7,200,000.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-134363/001/QD Department of National Defence 2024/09/18 CAD 680,000.00
NanoRacks, LLC. 9F064-170511/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2019/12/06 CAD 2,609,169.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-134363/001/QD Department of National Defence 2018/09/12 CAD 3,991,538.00
NanoRacks, LLC. 9F064-170511/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2018/03/26 CAD 2,069,169.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-134363/001/QD Department of National Defence 2015/11/23 CAD 3,991,538.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-134363/001/QD Department of National Defence 2015/09/22 CAD 3,311,538.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-112628/001/HN Department of National Defence 2010/12/07 CAD 88,426.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-134363/001/QD Department of National Defence 2023/09/20 CAD 3,991,538.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-134363/001/QD Department of National Defence 2022/09/21 CAD 3,991,538.00
NanoRacks, LLC. 9F064-170511/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2022/03/14 CAD 2,609,169.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-134363/001/QD Department of National Defence 2021/09/22 CAD 3,991,538.00
NanoRacks, LLC. 9F064-170511/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2021/02/01 CAD 2,609,169.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-134363/001/QD Department of National Defence 2020/09/21 CAD 3,991,538.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-134363/001/QD Department of National Defence 2020/02/06 CAD 3,991,538.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-134363/001/QD Department of National Defence 2019/02/11 CAD 3,991,538.00
Shodan, LLC. 0D160-185377/001/PI Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness… 2018/04/13 CAD 62,372.00
NanoRacks, LLC. 9F064-170511/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2018/04/05 CAD 2,609,169.00
NanoRacks, LLC. 9F064-170511/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2018/03/27 CAD 540,000.00
NanoRacks, LLC. 9F064-170511/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2018/03/27 CAD 2,609,169.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-134363/001/QD Department of National Defence 2018/03/08 CAD 3,991,538.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-134363/001/QD Department of National Defence 2016/06/01 CAD 3,991,538.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8486-134915/001/QF Department of National Defence 2015/06/16 CAD 4,052,018.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8486-134915/001/QF Department of National Defence 2015/03/20 CAD 588,966.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8486-134915/001/QF Department of National Defence 2014/03/14 CAD 3,463,052.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-112628/001/HN Department of National Defence 2011/05/19 CAD 88,426.00
SRCTEC LLC. W8476-112628/001/HN Department of National Defence 2010/12/08 CAD 88,426.00
ProQuest LLC FP908-210005/001/PI Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2024/02/28
CAD 97,499.06
Politico LLC K5A20-221131/001/PI Department of the Environment (ECCC ) 2024/02/05
CAD 56,804.35
ProQuest LLC FP908-210005/001/PI Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2023/03/13
CAD 97,499.06
Politico LLC K5A20-221131/001/PI Department of the Environment (ECCC ) 2023/03/09
CAD 56,804.35
Foreflight LLC W3994-170005/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2020/06/30 CAD 4,590.00
Foreflight LLC W3994-170005/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2020/01/13 CAD 2,295.00
Foreflight LLC W3994-170005/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2019/02/26 CAD 27,540.00

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