Tender opportunities

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10 of 430
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Travaux de réfection des infrastructures de la rue Lalonde Construction 2023/06/15
2023/06/01 Ville de Mercier
Achat et installation d'un écran d'affichage à l'aréna… Goods 2024/10/18
2023/06/27 Ville de Sherbrooke
Fourniture, remplacement et mise en service d'un groupe électrogène… Construction 2021/02/04 2021/03/03 Ville de Sherbrooke
Notice of Proposed Procurement - Diesel Engine Driven Forklift Truck Goods 2024/11/12
2024/11/12 Transport Canada
Audit of Innovation Superclusters Initiative Services 2021/06/30
2021/07/23 Industry Canada
TRAINING AND CAPABILITY DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR CANADIAN ARMED… Services 2017/09/07 2017/10/31 Department of National Defence
TRAINING CAPABILITY DEVELOPMENT Services 2017/07/18 2017/07/31 Department of National Defence
Boundary Swing Bridge Rehabilitation for Trent Severn Waterway National… Construction 2020/05/19
2020/05/21 Parks Canada
Highway Engineering Services – Cabot Trail Rehabilitation, KM7.6 to KM12… Construction 2020/04/03
2020/04/09 Parks Canada
Dick’s Brook Bridge Replacement - Highway 430, Gros Morne National Park… Construction 2019/07/31
2019/08/08 Parks Canada
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 275
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
ProServices SA - Suzanne L Nault Services 2024/11/06
2028/07/04 Department of Public Works and Government…
ProServices SA - Suzanne Delisle Services 2024/11/06
2100/01/01 Department of Public Works and Government…
Floor and Wall Tiling Work Construction 2012/08/10 N/A Veterans Affairs Canada
Open Contract for Interpretation Services 2019/05/14 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Open Contract for Interpretation Services 2019/05/03 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Translation Services Services 2016/09/07 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Leadership Assessment Services for the Public Service Commission of… Services 2016/01/12 N/A Public Service Commission of Canada
RFSA Translation Services - Translation Bureau Services 2023/09/06 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Informatics Professional Services Services 2021/12/16 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Language Interpretation Services Services 2020/06/05 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
50 of 474
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Suzanne Lalonde 51307-093008/001/MTB Veterans Affairs Canada 2012/01/12 CAD 43,820.00
Suzanne Lalonde 51307-093008/001/MTB Veterans Affairs Canada 2011/02/02 CAD 42,962.00
SUZANNE NAULT E60ZT-180026/075/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/06
CAD 0.00
Suzanne Delisle E60ZT-180026/323/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/11/06
CAD 0.00
SUZANNE NAULT E60ZT-180026/075/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/02/08
CAD 0.00
Suzanne Delisle E60ZT-180026/323/ZT Department of Public Works and Government… 2021/03/16 CAD 0.00
Suzanne Defoy EN960-202683/107/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2020/12/18 CAD 113,000.00
Suzanne Defoy EN960-202683/107/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2020/06/05 CAD 113,000.00
Suzanne Defoy EN960-192231/179/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2019/05/14 CAD 100,000.00
Suzanne Defoy EN960-192231/108/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2019/05/03 CAD 100,000.00
P.P. Lalonde (2009) ltée 51307-132005/001/MTC Veterans Affairs Canada 2014/07/07 CAD 26,174.00
Suzanne L Nault E60ZT-180026/075/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2021/02/09 CAD 0.00
Suzanne L Nault E60ZT-120001/600/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2015/07/24 CAD 0.00
Suzanne L Nault E60ZT-120001/600/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2014/05/09 CAD 0.00
SUZANNE VALLEE EN931-06T006/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2010/11/24 CAD -19,126.00
SUZANNE PRIMUS W0133-08M013/001/VIC Department of National Defence 2010/06/14 CAD 825.00
SUZANNE PRIMUS W0133-08M013/001/VIC Department of National Defence 2010/06/09 CAD 7,407.00
Suzanne Leroux EN942-06T005/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2009/11/02 CAD -19,321.00
SUZANNE VALLEE EN931-06T006/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2009/09/22 CAD 42,507.00
SUZANNE PRIMUS W0133-08M013/001/VIC Department of National Defence 2009/05/15 CAD 7,407.00
Suzanne C. MacDonald E0226-210483/001/PWC Public Works and Government Services… 2021/02/23 CAD 11,477.00
Suzanne C. MacDonald E0226-113694/001/PWC Public Works and Government Services… 2013/04/09 CAD 23,461.00
Suzanne C. MacDonald E0226-113694/001/PWC Public Works and Government Services… 2012/02/27 CAD 20,297.00
Suzanne C. MacDonald E0226-113694/001/PWC Public Works and Government Services… 2011/05/15 CAD 20,297.00
Suzanne Marsollier Consulting LTD. 51019-081024/002/CAL Veterans Affairs Canada 2012/03/21 CAD -42,183.00
Suzanne Marsollier Consulting LTD. 51019-081023/001/CAL Veterans Affairs Canada 2012/03/21 CAD -159,959.00
Suzanne Marsollier Consulting LTD. 51019-081023/001/CAL Veterans Affairs Canada 2010/06/01 CAD 201,810.00
Suzanne Marsollier Consulting LTD. 51019-081024/002/CAL Veterans Affairs Canada 2010/05/31 CAD 113,190.00
Suzanne Trahan-Messier EF116-10T003/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2013/10/21 CAD -61,637.00
Suzanne Trahan-Messier EN931-06T005/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2010/11/24 CAD -9,989.00
Suzanne Trahan-Messier EF116-10T003/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2010/10/18 CAD 199,669.00
Suzanne Trahan-Messier EN931-06T005/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2009/09/25 CAD 64,986.00
REJEANNE ALICIA LALONDE ELISE ROBIN BEALS E60ZT-120001/020/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2015/08/20 CAD 0.00
REJEANNE ALICIA LALONDE ELISE ROBIN BEALS E60ZT-120001/020/ZT Public Works and Government Services… 2014/05/09 CAD 0.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN966-140305/089/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2020/08/20 CAD 0.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN966-140305/089/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2020/08/11 CAD 0.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN966-140305/089/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2015/08/18 CAD 0.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN451-130187/003/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2015/01/21 CAD -36,710.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN451-130187/003/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2014/04/01 CAD 28,815.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN451-130187/003/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2013/10/24 CAD 28,815.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN451-12T003/002/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2016/04/29 CAD -71,476.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN451-12T003/002/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2014/01/06 CAD 57,630.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN950-10T009/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2013/12/14 CAD -70,852.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN451-12T003/002/ZF Public Works and Government Services… 2013/02/25 CAD 57,630.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN451-11T005/002/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/09/21 CAD 42,375.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN451-08T012/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/01/17 CAD -10,391.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN451-08T030/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/01/17 CAD -11,583.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN451-11T005/002/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2011/10/18 CAD 41,810.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN950-08T005/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2011/01/12 CAD -1,560.00
Rousseau, Annie Suzanne EN950-10T009/001/ZP Public Works and Government Services… 2010/12/10 CAD 241,622.00

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