Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 118435
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Toronto Rotary Office Chairs Goods 2017/02/23 2017/03/10 Immigration and Refugee Board
Acquisition de vestes de protection pour la Direction de la prévention… Goods 2024/12/02
2024/12/12 Université de Montréal.
Réfection de la toiture - École Au-Coeur-de-la-Nature Construction 2023/05/12 2023/06/09 Centre de services scolaire des…
Déneigement de la Vigie et de la Direction de la Santé publique Services related to goods 2024/08/20
2024/08/09 Centre intégré de santé et de services…
Déneigement de la Vigie et de la Direction de la Santé publique Services related to goods 2024/07/19
2024/06/10 Centre intégré de santé et de services…
Services de conservation et de restauration de peintures Services 2023/12/15 2024/01/26 Ministère de la Culture et des…
Réaménagement de la laverie à l´Hôpital régional de Portneuf Construction 2024/07/20
2023/07/20 Centre intégré universitaire de santé et…
Réfection de la couverture de la buanderie au CHSLD de Gaspé Construction 2023/02/07 2023/03/07 Centre intégré de santé et de services…
Entretien des systèmes de protection des personnes et des biens - Divers… Services related to goods 2024/11/06
2024/08/12 SQI-Direction immobilière Nord de Québec
Entretien des systèmes de protection des personnes et des biens - Divers… Services 2024/05/03
2024/03/14 SQI-Direction immobilière Nord de Québec
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 35885
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Amend 001 - Expertise related to housing, build - TORONTO AND REGION… Services 2022/03/02 2025/03/31 Department of Public Works and Government…
Toronto Bail Program Services 2014/03/25 N/A Canada Border Services Agency
Office fit-up Toronto Regional Centre Construction 2015/04/13 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Other Natural Resource and Conservation Services Services 2013/07/17 N/A Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Urinalysis Collections Downtown Toronto Parole – Central District Office Services 2017/07/07 N/A Correctional Service of Canada
Urinalysis Collections Toronto East Parole – Central District Office Services 2017/07/07 N/A Correctional Service of Canada
Expertise related to housing, build Services 2022/03/02 N/A Natural Resources Canada
OFFICE SEATING /Fauteuils de Bureau Goods 2020/06/05 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
Toronto Records office Clean up Services 2018/04/01 N/A Aboriginal Affairs & Northern…
Category 6 Office Furniture Toronto Goods 2018/03/26 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
50 of 144281
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY / OFFICE DE PROTECTION DE… 23240-220001/020/SL Natural Resources Canada 2023/01/27 CAD 89,850.00
THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY / OFFICE DE PROTECTION DE… 23240-220001/020/SL Natural Resources Canada 2022/03/02 CAD 600,000.00
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 23240-220001/020/SL Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/10/29
CAD 89,850.00
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 23240-220001/020/SL Department of Public Works and Government… 2022/03/02 CAD 89,850.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority 47626-109945/001/TOR Canada Border Services Agency 2010/05/14 CAD 529,729.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority 47626-092148/001/TOR Canada Border Services Agency 2009/11/17 CAD 133,980.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority 47419-213317/001/KIN Canada Border Services Agency 2021/02/03 CAD 578,922.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority 47419-213317/001/KIN Canada Border Services Agency 2022/02/21 CAD 1,565,366.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority 47419-213317/001/KIN Canada Border Services Agency 2022/02/21 CAD 2,144,288.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority 47419-185872/001/ZL Canada Border Services Agency 2018/12/27 CAD 394,062.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority 47419-185872/001/ZL Canada Border Services Agency 2017/11/06 CAD 460,678.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority 47419-185872/001/ZL Canada Border Services Agency 2017/05/11 CAD 285,551.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority W3999-11M604/001/WPG Department of National Defence 2010/06/08 CAD 119,070.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority W3999-13M652/001/WPG Department of National Defence 2013/02/26 CAD 136,567.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority W3999-13M652/001/WPG Department of National Defence 2012/07/05 CAD 135,346.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority W3999-11M604/001/WPG Department of National Defence 2011/03/24 CAD 20,512.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority W3999-11M604/001/WPG Department of National Defence 2011/03/02 CAD 150,019.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority W3999-07M496/001/WPG Department of National Defence 2009/02/25 CAD 58,874.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority W0107-11FD02/001/PET Department of National Defence 2011/08/25 CAD 45,155.00
Greater Toronto Airports Authority W0107-11FD03/001/PET Department of National Defence 2011/10/04 CAD 8,849.00
Musée de la nature et des sciences inc. K2C94-181217/001/MTB Environment Canada 2018/12/17 CAD 31,584.00
CITE DE LA SANTE DE LAVAL 21301-127607/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2012/10/12 CAD 2,710,660.00
CITE DE LA SANTE DE LAVAL 21301-127607/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2014/10/08 CAD 1,057,523.00
CITE DE LA SANTE DE LAVAL 21301-075870/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2010/02/26 CAD 4,253,078.00
CITE DE LA SANTE DE LAVAL 21301-075870/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2010/01/29 CAD 4,253,078.00
CITE DE LA SANTE DE LAVAL 21301-075870/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2009/12/14 CAD 4,253,078.00
CITE DE LA SANTE DE LAVAL 21301-075870/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2009/11/30 CAD 4,253,078.00
Grey Sauble Conservation Authority W3191-12Q573/001/TOR Department of National Defence 2011/09/21 CAD 10,314.00
Grey Sauble Conservation Authority W3191-12Q573/001/TOR Department of National Defence 2012/03/07 CAD -1,695.00
Société de transport de la Capitale op. Réseau de transport de la… 08A33-090442/001/TOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2010/06/15 CAD 4,553.00
Société de transport de la Capitale op. Réseau de transport de la… 08A33-090442/001/TOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2010/05/07 CAD 34,860.00
LE GOUVERNEMENT DE LA PROVINCE DE QUEBEC 01396-110107/001/PV Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2011/07/12 CAD 18,113.00
LE GOUVERNEMENT DE LA PROVINCE DE QUEBEC 01396-110107/001/PV Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2010/08/23 CAD 18,113.00
Comité de valorisation de la rivière Beauport K0C05-190537/001/QCN Environment Canada 2022/11/28 CAD 172,463.00
Comité de valorisation de la rivière Beauport K0C05-190537/001/QCN Environment Canada 2022/02/09 CAD 172,463.00
Comité de valorisation de la rivière Beauport K0C05-190537/001/QCN Environment Canada 2020/11/05 CAD 172,463.00
Comité de valorisation de la rivière Beauport K0C05-190537/001/QCN Environment Canada 2021/06/04 CAD 172,463.00
Comité de valorisation de la rivière Beauport K0C05-190537/001/QCN Environment Canada 2019/10/16 CAD 172,463.00
Comité de valorisation de la rivière Beauport K0C05-190537/001/QCN Environment Canada 2018/11/27 CAD 172,463.00
Union de la Region Dieppoise d'Oeuvre Laique W0114-12Q737/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2012/01/30 CAD 18,477.00
Union de la Region Dieppoise d'Oeuvre Laique W0046-09Q203/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/03/19 CAD 1,692.00
Union de la Region Dieppoise d'Oeuvre Laique W0114-12Q737/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2012/03/09 CAD -5,543.00
Union de la Region Dieppoise d'Oeuvre Laique W0046-10Q153/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/10/26 CAD 37,280.00
SOCIETE DE DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA BAIE JAMES W3380-10GN32/001/MTB Department of National Defence 2011/06/06 CAD 65,233.00
Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la… 6D024-162991/001/SV Public Health Agency of Canada 2017/01/06 CAD 208,927.00
CITY OF TORONTO M7594-154568/001/QD Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2015/07/31 CAD 179,375.00
THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO W7701-135578/001/QCL Department of National Defence 2013/05/31 CAD 198,720.00
THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 9F052-130126/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2016/01/28 CAD 324,923.00
THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 9F052-130126/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2014/03/06 CAD 324,923.00
THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 9F052-130126/001/MTB Canadian Space Agency 2016/02/15 CAD 50,000.00

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