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Notice categories:
10 of 43650
Title | Category | Open/amendment date | Closing date | Organization |
Technologie de l’information et des communications | Services related to goods | 2024/08/15 | 2024/08/15 | Ville d'Hudson |
Accompagnement en sécurité et technologie | Services related to goods | 2024/10/09 | 2024/10/09 | Retraite Québec |
Ressources professionnelles en technologie de l’information | Services | 2022/11/18 | 2022/11/17 | Centre intégré universitaire de santé et… |
Renouvellement du support de la technologie Sierra wireless | Services | 2024/01/08 | 2024/01/05 | Corporation d'urgences-santé |
One Partner/Managing Director, One Project Manager/Leader, One Senior… | Services | 2013/12/18 | 2014/01/06 | Canada Border Services Agency |
One Network Analyst Level 3 and One Technical Architect Level 3 | Services | 2019/01/23 | 2019/02/07 | Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
One (1) Technician , Senior and One (1) Technician Intermediate. | Services | 2015/12/14 | 2016/01/11 | Department of National Defence |
SERVICES PROFESSIONNELS SPÉCIALISÉS EN TECHNOLOGIE DE L’INFORMATION | Services related to goods | 2024/08/03 | 2023/08/03 | CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-… |
Ressources professionnelles SENIORS en technologie de l'information | Services | 2022/12/12 | 2022/12/06 | Centre intégré universitaire de santé et… |
One Senior Project Manager Resource and One Senior, One Intermediate… | Services | 2021/11/25 | 2021/12/10 | Immigration and Refugee Board |
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 63793
Title | Category | Award/amendment date | Closing date | Organization |
ProServices SA - One Marketing Inc. | Services | 2023/12/21 | 2100/01/01 | Department of Public Works and Government… |
Call for Proposals TS3 - Innovative Solutions Canada - Testing Stream | Goods | 2024/05/21 | 2024/11/01 | Department of Industry (ISED) |
Amend 003 - Stkhldr Citz. Engage. Consult. - One World Inc. SO | Services | 2024/09/19 | 2025/10/09 | Department of Public Works and Government… |
Amend 001 - Airborne imaging system - Phase One United States Inc | Goods | 2024/03/31 | 2024/03/31 | National Research Council of Canada (NRC) |
One Partner/Managing Director, One Project Manager/Leader, One Senior… | Services | 2014/02/11 | N/A | Canada Border Services Agency |
One (1) New Wildfire Tracked Vehicle | Goods | 2023/09/19 | N/A | Gov of PEI - Environment, Energy and… |
French Translation Services - Marine Atlantic Inc. | Services | 2021/02/16 | N/A | Marine Atlantic Inc. |
Measurement Canada Digital Information Management /Informatique… | Services | 2021/12/09 | N/A | Industry Canada |
Measurement Canada Digital Information Management /Informatique… | Services | 2021/12/09 | N/A | Industry Canada |
One (1) Junior Project Manager and One (1) Junior Technical Clerk | Services | 2018/03/29 | N/A | Department of National Defence |
50 of 260073
Company name | Contract number | Organization | Award/amendment date | Contract / Amendment value |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-190166/002/QD | Department of National Defence | 2024/05/24 | CAD 7,552,038.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-230321/001/QD | Department of National Defence | 2023/11/29 | CAD 0.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-190166/002/QD | Department of National Defence | 2023/10/06 | CAD 7,552,038.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-230321/001/QD | Department of National Defence,… | 2023/04/26 | CAD 0.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-190166/002/QD | Department of National Defence | 2022/07/06 | CAD 6,695,638.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-190166/002/QD | Department of National Defence | 2022/06/08 | CAD 7,552,038.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-190166/001/QD | Department of National Defence | 2021/07/15 | CAD 450,000.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-190166/002/QD | Department of National Defence | 2021/07/13 | CAD 7,552,038.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-190166/001/QD | Department of National Defence | 2020/11/10 | CAD 2,000,000.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-190166/002/QD | Department of National Defence | 2020/05/01 | CAD 856,400.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-190166/002/QD | Department of National Defence | 2024/03/13 | CAD 7,552,038.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-230321/001/QD | Department of National Defence,… | 2023/10/12 | CAD 0.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-190166/002/QD | Department of National Defence | 2023/03/14 | CAD 7,552,038.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-230321/001/QD | Department of National Defence,… | 2022/02/10 | CAD 0.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-190166/001/QD | Department of National Defence | 2021/01/29 | CAD 1,000,000.00 |
Telflex Technologie Inc. | W6369-190166/001/QD | Department of National Defence | 2020/01/22 | CAD 3,449,252.00 |
XYZ Technologie Culturelle Inc. | 08283-200212/001/HN | FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… | 2021/01/13 | CAD 24,306.00 |
Abo Technologie Inc. | W0106-19W613/001/QCN | Department of National Defence | 2021/02/04 | CAD 391,357.00 |
Abo Technologie Inc. | W0106-19W613/001/QCN | Department of National Defence | 2020/02/13 | CAD 24,410.00 |
Abo Technologie Inc. | W0106-17W632/001/MTA | Department of National Defence | 2019/01/24 | CAD 3,549,348.00 |
Abo Technologie Inc. | W0106-17W632/001/MTA | Department of National Defence | 2018/12/19 | CAD 3,549,348.00 |
Abo Technologie Inc. | W0106-17W632/001/MTA | Department of National Defence | 2018/03/29 | CAD 631,173.00 |
Abo Technologie Inc. | W0106-17W632/001/MTA | Department of National Defence | 2018/01/26 | CAD 466,908.00 |
Abo Technologie Inc. | W0106-17W632/001/MTA | Department of National Defence | 2018/01/22 | CAD 2,451,267.00 |
A.P.M. TECHNOLOGIE INC | W0106-13R304/001/BAP | Department of National Defence | 2013/11/08 | CAD 91,846.00 |
XYZ Technologie Culturelle Inc. | C1111-130794/001/HN | Canadian Heritage | 2014/03/05 | CAD 58,391.00 |
One Marketing Inc. | E60ZT-180025/275/ZT | Department of Public Works and Government… | 2023/12/21 | CAD 0.00 |
Avant-Garde Technologie CFMA Inc. | F3768-11M139/001/QCL | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 2011/09/09 | CAD 18,653.00 |
Ian Martin Information Technologie Inc. | 66XSB-091000/015/XSB | Public Works and Government Services… | 2009/06/22 | CAD 350,000.00 |
Ian Martin Information Technologie Inc. | 66XSB-091000/015/XSB | Public Works and Government Services… | 2011/11/18 | CAD 350,000.00 |
Ian Martin Information Technologie Inc. | 66XSB-091000/015/XSB | Public Works and Government Services… | 2011/06/29 | CAD 350,000.00 |
Ian Martin Information Technologie Inc. | EN537-8-4015/119/ZJ | Public Works and Government Services… | 2009/03/31 | CAD 4,815,000.00 |
One World Inc. | EN578-181138/018/CY | Public Works and Government Services… | 2022/10/06 | CAD 0.00 |
One World Inc. | EN578-133044/001/CY | Public Works and Government Services… | 2020/03/12 | CAD 0.00 |
One World Inc. | HT102-183152/001/CY | Health Canada | 2018/09/27 | CAD 216,079.00 |
One World Inc. | T7005-180045/001/CY | Transport Canada | 2018/09/06 | CAD 117,977.00 |
One World Inc. | EN578-133044/001/CY | Public Works and Government Services… | 2018/03/15 | CAD 0.00 |
One World Inc. | T7005-170010/001/CY | Transport Canada | 2018/02/12 | CAD 24,609.00 |
One World Inc. | HT445-173551/001/CY | Health Canada | 2017/11/06 | CAD 290,432.00 |
One World Inc. | EN578-133044/001/CY | Public Works and Government Services… | 2017/05/15 | CAD 0.00 |
One World Inc. | EN578-133044/001/CY | Public Works and Government Services… | 2017/03/30 | CAD 0.00 |
One World Inc. | H4133-163962/001/CY | Health Canada | 2017/02/23 | CAD 2,990.00 |
One World Inc. | EN578-133044/001/CY | Public Works and Government Services… | 2016/03/18 | CAD 0.00 |
One World Inc. | K8A31-151003/001/CY | Environment Canada | 2016/01/15 | CAD 45,200.00 |
One World Inc. | K8A31-151003/001/CY | Environment Canada | 2016/01/06 | CAD 45,200.00 |
One World Inc. | EN578-133044/001/CY | Public Works and Government Services… | 2015/04/17 | CAD 0.00 |
One World Inc. | EN578-133044/001/CY | Public Works and Government Services… | 2019/12/19 | CAD 0.00 |
One World Inc. | EN578-133044/001/CY | Public Works and Government Services… | 2019/06/28 | CAD 0.00 |
One World Inc. | EN578-133044/001/CY | Public Works and Government Services… | 2018/09/27 | CAD 0.00 |
One World Inc. | T7005-170010/001/CY | Transport Canada | 2017/09/29 | CAD 86,990.00 |
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