Tender opportunities

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Notice categories:

10 of 96325
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Travaux de réfection de la piste du parc régional de la Haute-Yamaska Construction 2024/08/27
2024/08/27 Corporation d'aménagement…
Réaménagement de la laverie à l´Hôpital régional de Portneuf Construction 2024/07/20
2023/07/20 Centre intégré universitaire de santé et…
REMPLACEMENT DE LA FENESTRATION (arrière) ET RÉFECTION DE LA COUR… Construction 2022/02/08 2022/03/08 Centre de services scolaire de la Beauce-…
Fourniture de la main d'oeuvre technique pour les événements… Services 2023/01/13
2023/01/10 Ville de Montréal - Service de l'…
Services de conservation - restauration d'œuvres d'art sur… Services 2023/02/06 2023/03/02 Ministère de la Culture et des…
Contrat à exécution sur demande - Multi-adjudicataires – Entrepreneur… Construction 2024/04/05
2024/04/04 SQI-Direction immobilière du Bas-Saint-…
Surveillance périodique et interrompue des installations de machines… Services related to goods 2023/11/15 2023/12/04 SQI-Direction générale de l'…
Service de main d'oeuvre indépendante-Mécaniciens de machines fixes Construction 2023/02/09 2023/03/14 CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-…
Prise de photographies aériennes numériques - Région de la Gaspésie-Îles… Services related to goods 2024/09/16
2024/08/01 Ministère des Ressources naturelles et…
2903-23-SD01 - Nettoyage de joints de ponts, de drains de ponts et de… Services related to goods 2024/07/03
2023/07/03 Ministère des Transports et de la…
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 22448
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
2024/05/10 National Defence Canada
2024/04/02 National Defence Canada
2024/07/04 National Defence Canada
2024/07/02 National Defence Canada
FSCP Projects-Fish Food Allied Workers Union Services 2014/06/26 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Amend 003 - DFO - FSCP 2021 - Fishermen Food and Allied Workers Union Services 2023/11/21
2024/03/31 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
The Movement of Dangerous Goods in the Atlantic Region. Services 2024/08/13 2025/03/31 Transport Canada
Amend 010 - Language schooling - Ecole de langues La Cite inc Services 2024/09/30
2024/09/30 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 005 - Second Language Education - École de langues La Cité inc Services 2024/04/23
2025/07/23 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 005 - Second Language Education - Ecole de langues La Cité inc Services 2024/04/23
2025/07/23 Department of Public Works and Government…
50 of 234204
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Union de la Region Dieppoise d'Oeuvre Laique W0114-12Q737/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2012/03/09 CAD -5,543.00
Union de la Region Dieppoise d'Oeuvre Laique W0114-12Q737/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2012/01/30 CAD 18,477.00
Union de la Region Dieppoise d'Oeuvre Laique W0046-10Q153/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/10/26 CAD 37,280.00
Union de la Region Dieppoise d'Oeuvre Laique W0046-09Q203/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2009/03/19 CAD 1,692.00
THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY / OFFICE DE PROTECTION DE… 23240-220001/020/SL Natural Resources Canada 2023/01/27 CAD 89,850.00
THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY / OFFICE DE PROTECTION DE… 23240-220001/020/SL Natural Resources Canada 2022/03/02 CAD 600,000.00
Union Biometrica Inc. 31028-216277/001/HAL National Research Council Canada 2021/11/01 CAD 182,270.00
UNION BANK INN LTD. E60LP-150003/180/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2016/02/09 CAD 161,000.00
UNION BANK INN LTD. E60LP-130003/048/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2014/02/07 CAD 25,000.00
UNION BANK INN LTD. E60LP-120001/136/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2013/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
UNION BANK INN LTD. E60LP-110001/136/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2012/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
UNION BANK INN LTD. E60LP-100001/138/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2011/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
UNION BANK INN LTD. E60LP-090001/115/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2010/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
UNION BANK INN LTD. E60LP-080001/132/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2009/01/01 CAD 25,000.00
UNION BANK INN LTD. E60LP-080001/132/LP Public Works and Government Services… 2009/01/01 CAD -25,000.00
Union Engraving & Printing Ltd. EN786-030034/001/CW Public Works and Government Services… 2010/09/24 CAD -32,399.00
LAITERIE DE LA BAIE E6MON-16PQLA/011/MTR Public Works and Government Services… 2016/11/22 CAD 0.00
LAITERIE DE LA BAIE E6MON-16PQLA/011/MTR Public Works and Government Services… 2016/11/16 CAD 0.00
LAITERIE DE LA BAIE E6MON-16PQLA/002/MTR Public Works and Government Services… 2016/06/10 CAD 0.00
CITE DE LA SANTE DE LAVAL 21301-127607/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2014/10/08 CAD 1,057,523.00
CITE DE LA SANTE DE LAVAL 21301-127607/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2012/10/12 CAD 2,710,660.00
CITE DE LA SANTE DE LAVAL 21301-075870/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2010/02/26 CAD 4,253,078.00
CITE DE LA SANTE DE LAVAL 21301-075870/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2010/01/29 CAD 4,253,078.00
CITE DE LA SANTE DE LAVAL 21301-075870/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2009/12/14 CAD 4,253,078.00
CITE DE LA SANTE DE LAVAL 21301-075870/001/MTB Correctional Service of Canada 2009/11/30 CAD 4,253,078.00
Société de transport de la Capitale op. Réseau de transport de la… 08A33-090442/001/TOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2010/06/15 CAD 4,553.00
Société de transport de la Capitale op. Réseau de transport de la… 08A33-090442/001/TOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (… 2010/05/07 CAD 34,860.00
LAITERIE DE LA BAIE W0138-150361/002/MTR Department of National Defence 2016/03/03 CAD 12,500.00
LAITERIE DE LA BAIE W0138-150361/002/MTR Department of National Defence 2015/09/16 CAD 20,315.00
LAITERIE DE LA BAIE W0138-150361/001/MTR Department of National Defence 2015/03/20 CAD 14,424.00
LAITERIE DE LA BAIE W0138-150361/001/MTR Department of National Defence 2015/03/16 CAD 14,424.00
LAITERIE DE LA BAIE W0138-110121/001/QCR Department of National Defence 2011/08/10 CAD 45,000.00
LAITERIE DE LA BAIE W0138-110121/001/QCR Department of National Defence 2011/01/20 CAD 45,000.00
LE GOUVERNEMENT DE LA PROVINCE DE QUEBEC 01396-110107/001/PV Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2011/07/12 CAD 18,113.00
LE GOUVERNEMENT DE LA PROVINCE DE QUEBEC 01396-110107/001/PV Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2010/08/23 CAD 18,113.00
TRANS UNION OF CANADA, INC EP243-191334/001/PI Public Works and Government Services… 2022/02/25 CAD 100,000.00
TRANS UNION OF CANADA, INC EP243-191334/001/PI Public Works and Government Services… 2021/08/12 CAD 124,000.00
TRANS UNION OF CANADA, INC EP243-191334/001/PI Public Works and Government Services… 2021/06/08 CAD 633,950.00
TRANS UNION OF CANADA, INC EP243-191334/001/PI Public Works and Government Services… 2021/03/12 CAD 100,000.00
TRANS UNION OF CANADA, INC EP243-191334/001/PI Public Works and Government Services… 2020/01/23 CAD 633,950.00
TRANS UNION OF CANADA, INC EP243-191334/001/PI Public Works and Government Services… 2019/03/27 CAD 309,950.00
Clyde Union Canada Limited F5561-180024/001/HAL Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2018/06/06 CAD 121,201.00
Fishermen Food & Allied Workers Union F6074-210001/001/OLZ Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2023/11/21
CAD 414,333.00
Comité de valorisation de la rivière Beauport K0C05-190537/001/QCN Environment Canada 2022/11/28 CAD 172,463.00
Comité de valorisation de la rivière Beauport K0C05-190537/001/QCN Environment Canada 2022/02/09 CAD 172,463.00
Comité de valorisation de la rivière Beauport K0C05-190537/001/QCN Environment Canada 2021/06/04 CAD 172,463.00
Comité de valorisation de la rivière Beauport K0C05-190537/001/QCN Environment Canada 2020/11/05 CAD 172,463.00
Comité de valorisation de la rivière Beauport K0C05-190537/001/QCN Environment Canada 2019/10/16 CAD 172,463.00
Comité de valorisation de la rivière Beauport K0C05-190537/001/QCN Environment Canada 2018/11/27 CAD 172,463.00
outillage de la capitale inc W7701-103323/001/QCL Department of National Defence 2011/01/17 CAD 19,226.00

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