Tender opportunities

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10 of 1236
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Université Laval - pavillon Charles-Eugène-Marchand- Aménagement du… Construction 2018/11/02 2018/12/13 Université Laval
Immeubles à logements - Université de Moncton, Campus de Moncton Construction 2024/01/08
2024/02/01 Université de Moncton
Maintien des systèmes Cisco de l’Université de Montréal Goods 2021/07/29 2021/09/02 Université de Montréal.
Câblage structuré du réseau de l’Université de Montréal Services related to goods 2024/09/13
2024/08/19 Université de Montréal.
Services de recrutement d’officiers pour l’Université de Montréal Services related to goods 2023/07/12 2023/08/16 Université de Montréal.
Projet du Nouveau VIC de l’Université McGill Lot 5007 : Peinture Construction 2023/10/27 2023/11/21 Université McGill
Fourniture de chaises de bureau pour l’Université de Montréal Goods 2019/03/18 2019/04/24 Université de Montréal.
Projet du Nouveau VIC de l’Université McGill Lot 5013 : Régulation Construction 2024/07/20
2023/07/20 Université McGill
Service d’entretien ménager aux résidences de l’Université de Montréal Services related to goods 2023/10/30 2023/12/04 Université de Montréal.
Acquisition de services de courtage immobilier pour l’Université de… Services related to goods 2021/05/25 2021/07/06 Université de Montréal.
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 132
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
UGME - Universite Laval Services 2024/06/11
2025/06/30 Department of Public Works and Government…
Amend 000 - Hydrobios Zooplankton Samples S-S - Universite Laval Services 2024/06/19
2023/03/31 Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
Amend 005 - CYP-C - CHU de Quebec - Universite Laval Services 2024/01/24
2025/03/31 Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
Amend 006 - CHIRPP- CHU Quebec - CHU de Quebec - Universite Laval Services 2024/02/08
2025/03/31 Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
UGME - Universite de Sherbrooke Services 2024/06/30
2024/06/30 Department of Public Works and Government…
Cleaning Services - NRC Université de Montréal Services 2017/01/25 N/A National Research Council Canada
Amend 005 - Gender Equality Research - Universite du Quebec a Montreal Services 2023/09/26
2023/02/27 Department of Women and Gender Equality (…
Product/Material - Design, Development, Formulation, Modification:… Services 2020/08/12 N/A Department of National Defence
Product/Material - Design, Development, Formulation, Modification:… Services 2020/01/21 N/A Department of National Defence
Product/Material - Design, Development, Formulation, Modification:… Services 2019/10/03 N/A Department of National Defence
50 of 914
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Université d'Ottawa M7594-143225/001/SS Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2014/02/19 CAD 56,000.00
Université d'Ottawa M7594-144327/001/SS Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2013/12/16 CAD 66,000.00
Université d'Ottawa M7594-143225/001/SS Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2013/12/16 CAD 56,000.00
Université d'Ottawa M9010-084425/001/SS Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2012/01/27 CAD 31,000.00
Université d'Ottawa M9010-084425/001/SS Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2011/01/21 CAD 2,000.00
Université Laval W6369-17A068/011/ZH Department of Public Works and Government… 2024/06/11
CAD 0.00
Université Laval F6081-220009/001/XAQ Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2024/06/19
CAD 66,700.00
Université Laval F6081-220009/001/XAQ Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) 2024/06/18
CAD 66,700.00
Université de Sherbrooke 19040-210021/001/CY Department of Justice Canada 2022/01/13 CAD 38,420.00
Université de Sherbrooke 19040-210021/001/CY Department of Justice Canada 2021/04/28 CAD 38,420.00
UNIVERSITÉ LAVAL 23125-098035/001/QCN Natural Resources Canada 2009/03/25 CAD 160,000.00
UNIVERSITÉ LAVAL 01686-080412/002/LON Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2009/03/25 CAD 11,025.00
Université Laval 39903-180976/001/SV Canadian Food Inspection Agency 2018/03/28 CAD 112,383.00
Université de Sherbrooke W3931-150106/011/ZH Department of National Defence 2022/04/28 CAD 0.00
Université de Sherbrooke W3931-150106/011/ZH Department of National Defence 2021/06/21 CAD 0.00
Université de Sherbrooke W3931-150106/011/ZH Department of National Defence 2020/06/10 CAD 0.00
Université de Sherbrooke W3931-150106/011/ZH Department of National Defence 2019/05/15 CAD 0.00
Université de Sherbrooke W7714-196896/001/SV Department of National Defence 2019/05/07 CAD 195,176.00
Université de Sherbrooke W7714-196896/001/SV Department of National Defence 2019/05/01 CAD 195,176.00
Université de Sherbrooke HT282-183831/001/SV Health Canada 2019/02/14 CAD 910,750.00
Université de Sherbrooke W7714-196896/001/SV Department of National Defence 2018/12/12 CAD 195,176.00
Université de Sherbrooke W7714-196896/001/SV Department of National Defence 2018/12/06 CAD 195,176.00
Université de Sherbrooke W3931-150106/011/ZH Department of National Defence 2018/06/07 CAD 0.00
Université de Sherbrooke W3931-150106/004/ZH Department of National Defence 2017/09/13 CAD 0.00
Université de Sherbrooke W3931-150106/004/ZH Department of National Defence 2017/03/23 CAD 0.00
Université de Sherbrooke W7707-165826/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2015/11/02 CAD 16,100.00
Université de Sherbrooke W7707-135603/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2014/03/19 CAD 49,899.00
Université de Sherbrooke W7707-135603/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2014/03/12 CAD 149,697.00
Université de Sherbrooke W7707-135603/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2013/11/22 CAD 149,697.00
Université de Sherbrooke W7707-135603/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2013/06/19 CAD 49,899.00
Université de Sherbrooke W7707-135603/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2013/03/14 CAD -7,601.00
Université de Sherbrooke W7707-135603/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2013/02/01 CAD 149,697.00
Université de Sherbrooke W7707-135603/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2013/01/22 CAD 57,500.00
Université de Sherbrooke W3931-020100/005/XF Department of National Defence 2009/06/05 CAD 496,815.00
Université de Sherbrooke W3931-020100/005/XF Department of National Defence 2009/02/03 CAD -800,000.00
Université Laval 1W001-180192/011/SL Status of Women Canada 2023/01/19 CAD 258,663.00
Université Laval 1W001-180192/011/SL Status of Women Canada 2022/07/21 CAD 18,293.00
Université Laval W7702-216270/001/EDM Department of National Defence 2022/05/31 CAD -93,300.00
Université Laval 1W001-180192/011/SL Status of Women Canada 2022/03/28 CAD 6.00
Université Laval F6081-211203/001/OLZ Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2022/03/08 CAD 30,015.00
Université Laval 1W001-180192/011/SL Status of Women Canada 2022/03/08 CAD 258,663.00
Université Laval W7702-216270/001/EDM Department of National Defence 2021/10/28 CAD 93,300.00
Université Laval 1W001-180192/011/SL Status of Women Canada 2021/10/12 CAD 258,663.00
Université Laval EP168-210433/001/FK Public Works and Government Services… 2021/06/07 CAD 97,800.00
Université Laval EP168-210433/001/FK Public Works and Government Services… 2021/04/30 CAD 97,800.00
Université Laval F6081-200009/001/XAQ Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2020/12/24 CAD 28,647.00
Université Laval EP168-210433/001/FK Public Works and Government Services… 2020/12/02 CAD 97,800.00
Université Laval EP168-210433/001/FK Public Works and Government Services… 2020/11/06 CAD 97,800.00
Université Laval EP168-210433/001/FK Public Works and Government Services… 2020/11/05 CAD 97,800.00
Université Laval 1W001-180192/011/SL Status of Women Canada 2020/11/05 CAD 240,364.00

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