Maintenance on CanadaBuys

The CanadaBuys website and SAP Ariba will be down for scheduled maintenance at the times listed below. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

  • CanadaBuys on Friday, February 14 from 7:00 pm until February 16 7:00 pm (Eastern Time)
  • SAP Ariba on Saturday, February 15 from 7:00 pm until 10:59 pm (Eastern Time)   

Tender opportunities

Browse the list of tender opportunities and sign up for notifications to stay up to date. To download contracting information posted on CanadaBuys and contract history: 

Notice categories:

10 of 8134
List of tender notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Open/amendment date Closing date Organization
Recycled Plastic Lumber Goods 2023/12/22
2023/11/24 CORCAN
Plastic Bags Goods 2016/08/03
2016/08/16 Employment and Social Development Canada
Plastic Bags Goods 2016/02/16
2016/03/22 Employment and Social Development Canada
NMSO - Plastics Buoys Goods 2015/12/14
2015/12/16 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
NMSO - Plastic Buoys Goods 2018/03/09
2018/03/15 Public Works and Government Services…
Polyethylene plastic bags Goods 2023/02/03
2023/02/09 Department of Employment and Social…
Plastics Challenge - Recycled Plastic Ceiling Tiles Services 2020/05/20
2020/06/09 Public Works and Government Services…
Plastic Sheeting Goods 2020/11/26
2020/12/03 Department of National Defence
NMSO - Plastic Buoys Goods 2020/12/14
2020/12/17 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Aton;Buoys, Plastic Goods 2024/06/21
2024/07/10 Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 25418
List of award notices. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Title Category Award/amendment date Closing date Organization
Buoys, Plastic Goods 2018/05/11 N/A Public Works and Government Services…
BAG, PLASTIC Goods 2016/04/01 N/A Statistics Canada
Plastics, Fabricated Materials Goods 2019/11/15 N/A Correctional Service of Canada
Plastics, Fabricated Materials Goods 2017/08/29 N/A Correctional Service of Canada
Plastics, Fabricated Materials Goods 2015/03/20 N/A Correctional Service of Canada
Plastics, Fabricated Materials Goods 2013/01/10 N/A Health Canada
Buoys, Plastic Goods 2020/12/24 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
BAG, PLASTIC Goods 2016/04/01 N/A Statistics Canada
Buoys, Plastic Goods 2016/09/19 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Buoys, Plastic Goods 2015/12/08 N/A Fisheries and Oceans Canada
50 of 141513
List of contract history information. The columns are sortable in ascending and descending order.
Company name Contract number Organization Award/amendment date Contract / Amendment value
Vins Plastics Ltd. K3D56-180486/001/TOR Environment Canada 2020/07/23 CAD -7,470.00
Vins Plastics Ltd. K3D56-180486/001/TOR Environment Canada 2020/05/15 CAD 117,368.00
Vins Plastics Ltd. K3D56-180486/001/TOR Environment Canada 2020/03/04 CAD 17,772.00
Vins Plastics Ltd. K3D56-180486/001/TOR Environment Canada 2019/12/11 CAD 54,259.00
Vins Plastics Ltd. K3D56-180486/001/TOR Environment Canada 2018/01/31 CAD 52,807.00
Vins Plastics Ltd. KM060-111136/001/TOR Environment Canada 2016/03/22 CAD 159,615.00
Vins Plastics Ltd. KM060-111136/001/TOR Environment Canada 2016/01/28 CAD 55,306.00
Vins Plastics Ltd. KM060-111136/001/TOR Environment Canada 2014/01/08 CAD 53,696.00
Vins Plastics Ltd. KM060-111136/001/TOR Environment Canada 2011/11/08 CAD 50,613.00
Vins Plastics Ltd. KM060-078060/001/TOR Environment Canada 2010/03/12 CAD 79,032.00
Vins Plastics Ltd. KM060-078060/001/TOR Environment Canada 2010/02/02 CAD 43,378.00
Northwest Plastics Ltd. E6HAL-170009/002/HAL Public Works and Government Services… 2020/05/13 CAD 100,000.00
Northwest Plastics Ltd. E6HAL-170009/002/HAL Public Works and Government Services… 2019/04/29 CAD 100,000.00
Northwest Plastics Ltd. E6HAL-170009/002/HAL Public Works and Government Services… 2018/05/11 CAD 100,000.00
Richmond Plastics Ltd. 01R32-090612/001/REG Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2009/01/08 CAD 8,106.00
Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. W0142-09A132/001/CAL Department of National Defence 2009/02/17 CAD 46,746.00
Grafix Plastics W7702-135532/001/REG Department of National Defence 2012/06/29 CAD 6,008.00
Acme Neon and Plastic Sign Supplies Ltd. W0107-10C135/001/PET Department of National Defence 2013/07/30 CAD 83,055.00
Acme Neon and Plastic Sign Supplies Ltd. W0107-10C135/001/PET Department of National Defence 2010/06/17 CAD 83,055.00
Acme Neon and Plastic Sign Supplies Ltd. W0107-06C736/001/PET Department of National Defence 2009/03/06 CAD 74,200.00
PIEDMONT PLASTICS W010S-11F812/001/HAL Department of National Defence 2011/02/08 CAD 7,704.00
CAD 85,174.32
WASTE STREAM MANAGEMENT INC. CW2337263 CORCAN 2023/12/21 CAD 85,174.32
Zeebest Plastics of Canada Inc. W7702-115036/001/CAL Department of National Defence 2010/07/08 CAD 8,891.00
Spiral Plastics Inc. W8485-102117/001/BY Department of National Defence 2010/04/26 CAD 3,938.00
Industrial Plastics (1975) Ltd W0103-126441/001/VIC Department of National Defence 2011/05/06 CAD 10,994.00
Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. W0142-14X008/001/EDM Department of National Defence 2016/08/31 CAD 120,000.00
Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. W0142-14X008/001/EDM Department of National Defence 2015/07/30 CAD 120,000.00
Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. W0142-14X008/001/EDM Department of National Defence 2013/06/20 CAD 120,000.00
Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. W0142-11A049/002/CAL Department of National Defence 2012/11/21 CAD 5,000.00
Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. W0142-11A049/002/CAL Department of National Defence 2011/11/22 CAD 105,000.00
Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. W0142-11A049/002/CAL Department of National Defence 2010/11/10 CAD 100,000.00
Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. W0142-10B261/001/CAL Department of National Defence 2010/03/29 CAD -180.00
Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. W0142-10B261/001/CAL Department of National Defence 2010/02/22 CAD 17,772.00
Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. W168A-15CB01/001/EDM Department of National Defence 2016/01/07 CAD 73,500.00
Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. W168A-15CB01/001/EDM Department of National Defence 2016/01/07 CAD 73,500.00
PAPP PLASTICS AND DISTRIBUTING LTD. W8486-120975/001/PR Department of National Defence 2013/11/19 CAD -74,130.00
PAPP PLASTICS AND DISTRIBUTING LTD. W8486-120975/001/PR Department of National Defence 2012/07/13 CAD 74,130.00
PAPP PLASTICS AND DISTRIBUTING LTD. W8476-040001/001/SV Department of National Defence 2011/02/23 CAD 247,715.00
PAPP PLASTICS AND DISTRIBUTING LTD. W8486-092062/001/PR Department of National Defence 2010/09/08 CAD 69,300.00
Premo Plastics Engineering Ltd. 5P421-080211/001/CAL Parks Canada 2010/07/28 CAD 15,750.00
Premo Plastics Engineering Ltd. 5P421-080211/001/CAL Parks Canada 2009/08/18 CAD 55,440.00
PAPP PLASTICS AND DISTRIBUTING LTD. W8486-092062/001/PR Department of National Defence 2009/01/29 CAD 128,394.00
PAPP PLASTICS AND DISTRIBUTING LTD. W8486-092062/001/PR Department of National Defence 2009/01/29 CAD 59,094.00
JATAN PLASTICS LIMITED W3915-100005/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2010/07/23 CAD 7,360.00
JATAN PLASTICS LIMITED W3915-100005/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2010/07/08 CAD 7,360.00
Oceanus Reinforced Plastics Ltd. F1782-13C716/001/XLV Fisheries and Oceans Canada 2013/08/13 CAD 17,903.00
BARR PLASTICS INC. W0114-10P121/001/KIN Department of National Defence 2010/09/02 CAD 20,284.00
Felix Technology Inc. CW2307066 Department of Employment and Social… 2024/01/16
CAD 229,877.49
holotech inc. CW2307049 Department of Employment and Social… 2024/01/16
CAD 43,755.55

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