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Notice categories:
10 of 18773
Open/amendment date
Closing date
ZODIAC HURRICANE 733 CCG TUBE SET | Goods | 2015/07/07 | 2015/07/22 | Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
BOAT TRAILER FOR ZODIAC HURRICANE MK5 | Goods | 2023/11/02 | 2023/11/02 | Brian James |
BOAT TRAILER FOR ZODIAC HURRICANE 472 | Goods | 2023/10/26 | 2023/10/26 | ADM(MA)/DGLEPM/DLP5 |
BOAT TRAILER FOR ZODIAC HURRICANE MK3 | Goods | 2023/10/30 | 2023/10/30 | ADM(Mat)/DGLEPM/DLP 5-3-4-1 |
Zodiac Collar Replacements | Goods | 2021/03/22 | 2021/03/25 | Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
ZODIAC FC470 BOAT TRAILER | Goods | 2014/06/18 | 2014/07/29 | Department of National Defence |
Trailers for Zodiac 753 RIB | Goods | 2015/02/03 | 2015/02/09 | Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
BOAT TRAILER FOR ZODIAC FC470 | Goods | 2014/04/29 | 2014/06/09 | Department of National Defence |
GABARUS SEAWALL-HURRICANE FIONA REPAIRS | Goods, Construction | 2023/09/19 | 2023/09/28 | Cape Breton Regional Municipality |
Zodiac Inflatable with center steering console, Hypalon tubing, | Goods | 2023/03/03 | 2023/03/03 | Ministry of Environment and Climate… |
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 63461
Award/amendment date
Closing date
Amend 000 - Emergency Rescue Boats - Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | Goods | 2024/04/30 | 2024/04/30 | Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) |
Amend 003 - NRCan Inflatable Boats - Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | Goods | 2025/02/01 | 2025/03/13 | Department of Natural Resources (NRCan) |
Amend 000 - Boats - Inflatable - Rigid Hull - Zodiac Hurricane… | Goods | 2024/10/01 | 2027/03/31 | Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) |
Amend 003 - Small Boats - Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | Goods | 2024/11/14 | 2032/01/20 | Department of Public Works and Government… |
Amend 005 - SOLAS RHIB with Trailer� - Zodiac Hurricane Technologies,… | Goods | 2024/12/20 | 2025/12/12 | Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) |
BOAT TRAILER FOR ZODIAC HURRICANE 472 | Goods | 2024/06/20 | 2024/06/20 | ADM(MA)/DGLEPM/DLP5 |
BOAT TRAILER FOR ZODIAC HURRICANE MK5 | Goods | 2023/12/13 | 2025/03/31 | Brian James |
BOAT TRAILER FOR ZODIAC HURRICANE MK3 | Goods | 2024/03/31 | 2024/03/31 | ADM(Mat)/DGLEPM/DLP 5-3-4-1 |
ZODIAC HURRICANE 733 CCG TUBE SET | Goods | 2015/08/19 | N/A | Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
F1782-23C120 - Zodiac Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat Tube Set | Goods | 2024/03/28 | 2024/03/28 | Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) |
50 of 272710
Company name
Contract number
Award/amendment date
Contract / Amendment value
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc. | F7044-220285/001/XLV | Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) | 2024/04/30 | CAD 106,551.90 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc. | F7044-220285/001/XLV | Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) | 2024/04/26 | CAD 106,551.90 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc. | F7044-220285/001/XLV | Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) | 2024/04/25 | CAD 106,551.90 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | 23239-220051/001/MC | Natural Resources Canada | 2024/03/13 | CAD 298,187.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | 23239-220051/001/MC | Natural Resources Canada | 2023/09/27 | CAD 67,238.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | 23239-220051/001/MC | Natural Resources Canada | 2022/01/06 | CAD 16,350.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | 23239-220051/001/MC | Natural Resources Canada | 2021/11/02 | CAD 214,599.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc. | 23239-220051/001/MC | Department of Natural Resources (NRCan) | 2025/02/01 | CAD 298,188.06 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | F7044-210322/002/MC | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 2024/10/31 | CAD 28,598.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | W8472-225857/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2024/10/28 | CAD 5,074,626.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | M7594-243205/001/MC | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 2024/08/23 | CAD 18,855,874.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | W8472-225857/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2024/04/29 | CAD 5,074,626.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | F7044-210322/002/MC | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 2024/04/04 | CAD 5,449,651.79 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | W8472-225857/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2024/03/20 | CAD 54,021.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | W8472-225857/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2024/03/19 | CAD 5,074,626.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | F7044-210322/002/MC | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 2023/05/05 | CAD 5,449,651.79 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | F7044-210322/002/MC | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 2022/10/19 | CAD 73,747.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | F7044-220285/001/XLV | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 2022/09/28 | CAD 101,474.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | F7044-220462/001/XLV | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 2022/09/27 | CAD 10,238,644.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | W8472-225857/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2022/08/26 | CAD 1,773,918.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | F7044-210322/002/MC | Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Fisheries… | 2022/08/24 | CAD 2,584,124.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | W8472-225857/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2022/06/13 | CAD 3,246,687.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | 5P427-210032/001/MC | Parks Canada | 2022/01/17 | CAD 402,848.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | F7044-210322/002/MC | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 2021/10/29 | CAD 2,763,183.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | W8482-129223/001/ML | Department of National Defence | 2011/09/21 | CAD 26,900.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | W8482-129223/001/ML | Department of National Defence | 2011/09/20 | CAD 26,900.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | F7059-100046/001/XLV | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 2010/07/19 | CAD 68,400.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | F7059-100046/001/XLV | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 2010/07/16 | CAD 118,512.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | F1782-21C060/001/XLV | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 2022/04/11 | CAD 36,859.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | F1782-21C060/001/XLV | Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 2021/11/09 | CAD 36,859.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc. | F7044-220462/001/XLV | Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) | 2024/10/01 | CAD 10,238,644.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc. | E60MC-190001/001/MC | Department of Public Works and Government… | 2024/11/14 | CAD 0.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | W6399-21CA14/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2022/09/09 | CAD -2,455.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. | W6399-21CA14/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2022/02/24 | CAD 395,120.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | W8482-195079/001/MD | Department of National Defence | 2024/10/09 | CAD 18,975,000.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | W8472-155557/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2024/07/25 | CAD 1,826,055.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | W8472-155557/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2024/02/07 | CAD 38,349,048.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | W8482-195079/001/MD | Department of National Defence,… | 2023/12/12 | CAD 18,975,000.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | W8482-195079/001/MD | Department of National Defence,… | 2023/12/12 | CAD 18,975,000.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | W8472-155557/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2023/07/21 | CAD 47,135.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | W8482-195079/001/MD | Department of National Defence | 2023/06/12 | CAD 18,975,000.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | W8472-155557/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2023/03/28 | CAD 663,814.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | W8482-195079/001/MD | Department of National Defence | 2023/02/07 | CAD 18,975,000.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | M7594-211631/001/XLV | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 2022/12/16 | CAD 4,978,509.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | W8472-155557/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2022/08/18 | CAD -1,414,335.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | M7594-211631/001/XLV | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 2022/08/12 | CAD 6,907.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | M7594-211631/001/XLV | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 2022/05/05 | CAD 4,978,509.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | W8482-195079/001/MD | Department of National Defence | 2022/04/25 | CAD 18,975,000.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | W8472-155557/001/MC | Department of National Defence | 2022/03/02 | CAD 38,349,048.00 |
Zodiac Hurricane Technologies Inc | M7594-211631/001/XLV | Royal Canadian Mounted Police | 2022/02/17 | CAD 263,834.00 |
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