SEVA Meditation

is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:

Tender notice title: W0213-230001 Course delivery -Effective Sleep training

Publication date 2023/11/06

Closing date and time 2023/11/22 14:00 EST

SEVA Meditation details

Teaching techniques to improve overall health and well-being

SEVA Meditation. A business built on passion and based on research, well-being and humanitarianism. An accredited meditation expert and business professional with over 30 years in the educational and corporate world. Trained in Transcendental Meditation from the Maharishi Institute and is a certified Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor from the Chopra Centre University, Carlsbad, CA. Continues to train and enhance skills and has most recently completed The Inner Engineering Course, ISHA Sadhguru Organization and also completed The Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, ISHA Sadhguru Organization. June, 2023 successfully became an accredited Chakradance Facilitator. Trained in Movement Therapy Modality, Chakradance, Chakradance’s roots in movement therapy and Jungian psychology. A confident leader guiding others on their healing journey. A desire for people to experience the many benefits a simple meditation practice can provide. Teaching meditation and leading guided meditation to corporations, groups, adults, and children since 2015. A meditation practice encourages and supports healthy eating, active physical activity, and healthy sleep habits promoting a culture of mindfulness thus reducing stress and anxiety and ultimately optimizing outputs....overall well-being. One of the top 10 benefits of a meditation practice is improved sleep Hygiene Some of SEVA Meditation Offerings: Primordial Sound Meditation Course, Private and Group Meditation Sessions, Week-end Retreats.

First name Sharon


Last name Evans




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