CDMS Atlantic - Commercial Diving & Marine Services

is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:

Tender notice title: ITT-EB144-241022_B -Caisson Concrete Repairs, Canso Canal, NS

Publication date 2023/11/06

Closing date and time 2023/11/29 14:00 EST

CDMS Atlantic - Commercial Diving & Marine Services details

Company website

Surface supply dive team and dive support vessels

CDMS Atlantic is a local diving contractor with a team composed of experienced dive team members, vessel operators, and project managers. We have successfully performed many similar concrete caisson repair and ladder installation works as described for this project. CDMS Atlantic is a member of CADC (Canadian Association of Dive Contractors) and is safety certified through Construction Safety Nova Scotia Certificate of Recognition (COR) Program. Contact us today! Thank you for your consideration!

First name Kensen


Last name Jardine




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