is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:
Tender notice title: Loud and clear - Assured naval radio communications in complex electromagnetic environments (W7714-227982-012-A)
Publication date 2022/11/07
Closing date and time 2022/12/20 14:00 EST
ThinkRF details
RF Signal Monitoring and Analysis
ThinkRF is a leading Canadian technology company developing solutions for RF signal processing, radio signal detection and RF hardware and software solutions support customers that require secure and safe Radio Frequency (RF) based communications. ThinkRF has a large global customer base that includes Telecom / 5G technology vendors, Cyber Security company, Critical Infrastructure market segments as well as several Government security and Public Safety organizations. ThinkRF develops Advance Spectrum Monitoring capabilities such as RF Analytics using AI/Machine Learning techniques which will allow expansion into many new market segment and use-cases. Including the detection of RF Spectrum anomalies such as jamming, Spectrum Hijacking, as well as malicious cyber threat transmissions from secure facilities.
First name CLIFF
Last name ELLEMENT
Head of AI Solutions