Siemens Canada Limited
is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:
Tender notice title: RFQ - Construction Manager Services for RSS NCR Main and TerraCanada NCR projects
Publication date 2023/01/16
Closing date and time 2023/03/03 14:00 EST
Siemens Canada Limited details
Full line of building automation and lab controls.
We are one of the world's largest producers of energy-efficient, resource-saving technologies. The Smart Infrastructure Division is a pioneer in infrastructure solutions and automation, drive and software solutions for industry and a provider of automation technologies and digital services for safe, secure and efficient buildings and infrastructures throughout their lifecycles. The Division offers products, solutions, services and software for fire safety, security, building automation, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and energy management. We have a full line of Lab and fume hood control solutions for every type lab environment.
First name Stephen
Last name Kroff
BAS Sales Representative