Gestion Immolux

is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:

Tender notice title: RFI #1 - Property Management Services in the National Capital Region

Publication date 2023/03/31

Closing date and time 2023/04/30 14:00 EDT

Gestion Immolux details

Specialised in Property management.

Immolux Group management leader in operations and maintenance in Building. Rentals, commercial, offices property managers we overlook at the best result with suppliers and supervise all construction project within a building. Our expertise is to maintain the value of a property. Find the best services and best product/suppliers. Respectful of all laws that lead the industry of building and maintenance, we make sure that all registry and expert reports are registered and done properly. We have participated in many construction project from plan to to delivery. Rigourous and professional we follow our building closely.

First name Clodine


Last name Chartrand




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