Media Incite INC.

is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:

Tender notice title: Marketing and Promotional, Employee Recognition, Ethically and Responsibly Sourced Apparel Products, and Cannabis Accessories

Publication date 2023/05/24

Closing date and time 2023/05/24 11:00 EDT

Media Incite INC. details

Offering full service marketing and promotional products

Since our inception we have worked with the worlds most coveted global organisations and brands. We provide everything from design, print and promotional products. We have exclusive contracts with many distributors giving us access to products that no other company can provide in Canada. We are available 24/7, we offer the highest quality items at the most competitive pricing.

First name Cathy


Last name Sellouk Muscovitch




Contact us directly, or find your answers using resource guides.

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