Técnicas y Servicios de Ingeniería - TSI

is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:

Tender notice title: Report on technologies and operational practices to improve energy efficiency and/or to reduce underwater vessel noise

Publication date 2023/06/13

Closing date and time 2023/07/04 14:00 EDT

Técnicas y Servicios de Ingeniería - TSI details

Company website https://tsisl.es/en/

Specialised Engineering Company in Noise & Vibration

TÉCNICAS Y SERVICIOS DE INGENIERÍA, S.L is a Spanish SME formed in 1983 by the Naval Engineer & Architect Mr. Publio Beltrán Palomo. It is currently a Worldwide leader in the specialised market of Vibration and Noise Engineering Solutions. TSI began its activity with studies and assessment for Heavy Industrial Machinery, and holds Seismic Qualifications for Nuclear Plant’s equipment. At the same time, TSI developed the first Technical Seminar about PdM (Predictive Maintenance). Since then, over 460 companies have attended our training and education sessions. TSI portfolio: . Instrumentation & systems supply for PdM maintenance, based on condition based monitoring of critical assets. . Noise & Vibration prediction based on advance specialised Softwares. . Comprehensive Noise & Vibration Management for new shipbuilding. . Noise & Vibration measurement on board and URN with the main Class Notation Societies (BV, DNV, NK, etc). . Root Cause Analysis for complex failure cases. . Noise & Vibration measurement in general. . Certified training (Vibration Institute) and tuitions (see our website) on special machinery. Though our succesful journey, we can mention the AINE-2004 Award to the best company in the Marine Sector delivered on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary Award by the AINE-Naval Engineers Association of Spain, first Prize and Gold Medal at the 47th Naval Engineering Congress. Second Prize and Silver Medal at the 49th Naval Engineering Congress.

First name Alexandre


Last name Démoulin


Sales Director


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