Imran Al Hashmi General Trading Dubai

is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:

Tender notice title: Hardware and Brackets

Publication date 2023/07/19

Closing date and time 2023/10/13 14:00 EDT

Imran Al Hashmi General Trading Dubai details

Wide range of imports, local trading & re-export.

We thank you very much for providing us with this opportunity, we have the pleasure in informing you that Imran Al Hashmi General Trading L.L.C, Dubai-UAE has a consistently outstanding record of quality in supplies and services, reliability has made us the fastest growing, most successful in wide range of import, local trading & re-export. Further, we have a huge setup in Dubai as well. We assure to meet and exceed customer satisfaction adherence to the top standards and regulatory necessities. we are committed to quality and constant development in system performances.

First name Muhammad


Last name Shafiq


General Manager

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