Dominion Diving Ltd

is interested in partnering up on the following tender opportunity:

Tender notice title: ITT-EB144-241022 -Caisson Concrete Repairs, Canso Canal, NS

Publication date 2023/09/28

Closing date and time 2023/10/17 14:00 EDT

Dominion Diving Ltd details

Company website

Poseidon Modular Barge, MultiCat Vessel, Marine Construction

We boast a fleet that includes the Poseidon Modular Barge and Multicat vessel, designed to facilitate a variety of marine construction projects with precision and reliability. These assets, combined with our experienced and certified personnel, enable us to execute complex tasks with ease and adherence to the highest safety and quality standards. In addition to our core services, we offer consulting services, equipment for hire, and have a waterfront location that further supports our operational capabilities. Our involvement in the reality TV show 'Lords of the Ocean' highlights the adventurous spirit and passion that drive our family salvage business, showcasing our love for exploring the unknown and tackling challenging marine endeavors. With a legacy spanning over five decades, Dominion Diving Ltd stands as a testament to excellence and dedication in the marine services industry. Our unwavering commitment to providing world-class services, backed by a team of seasoned professionals and state-of-the-art equipment, makes us an ideal partner for the Caisson Concrete Repairs opportunity at Canso Canal, NS.

First name Cam


Last name Howlett


Commercial Director


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