Fire Panel Upgrade

Status Expired

Contract number 21440-24-4513158

Solicitation number 21440-24-4513158

Publication date

Contract award date

Last amendment date

Contract value

CAD 264,125.71


    This contract was awarded to:

    Siemens Canada Limited

    Nature of Requirements:

    The following is a summary of the statement of work for this requirement.

    The Correctional Service Canada has a requirement to replace existing Siemens MXL Fire Alarms panels in ten (10) locations at Collins Bay Institution in Kingston, Ontario. This project is to upgrade the panels through the migration of Siemens MXL to the Desigo Modular system to maintain compliance monitoring and detection with the institution’s fire alarm and detection systems.

    The new Desigo Modular fire panel system is “Backward Compatible” which means it can successfully use interfaces and data from, and work seamlessly with, the existing detection components, allowing the straightforward replacement of the MXL System. All existing detection components already installed in the selected buildings in Collins Bay, will operate directly with the new panels. As well, three (3) display panels require upgrading at the Minimum unit and a PAD Bell Booster panel in CBA10 at Collins Bay Institution.

    Objectives: Provide the most up to date fire safety for staff and inmates of Collins Bay Institution.

    The contractor must perform the following tasks:
    Supply all labour and materials to complete the work.
    Supply and install Desigo Modular system upgrades to replace the MXL systems in following locations:
    Medium Unit:
    1. Medical Centre/ Keepers Hall CBA14/CBA13 (Node # 2)
    2. CBB1-UM Unit Management (Node # 5)
    3. Administration* CBA1/CBA10** (Node # 7)
    4. CBI bldg. 6 (CBB6) (Node # 12)
    5. CBI bldg. 7 (CBB7) (Node # 13)
    6. CBI bldg. 8 (CBB8) (Node # 14)
    7. Kitchen and Strip CBC2 CBB2 (Node # 16)
    8. CBI Programs (CBC36) (Node # 17)
    Minimum Unit:
    9. Phoenix Building FF36 (Node # 1)
    10. CBI Bldg.11 - FF11 (Stores/Chapel/Works) (Non-Networked)
    Desigo Modular Panels – Displays only - To Be Upgraded in the following locations:
    a. FF32N Basement
    b. FF32N Horseshoe/First floor
    c. FF46 South Unit

    * Fishbowl backbox to remain, supply new PAD Bell Booster panel to replace CP-35 (building CBA10).
    **This location/node has 30-Year-Old XL3 detectors which are not backward compatible with XLS. The contractor must upgrade the following devices in this location with compatible devices:
    a. 6 DI-X3 Addressable Smoke Detectors
    b. 9 DI-BX3 Addressable Duct Smoke Detectors
    c. 2 TRX-1 Addressable Interface Modules

    • Complete the programming on all above fire panel systems being installed.
    • Configure new displays to existing panels and program them to operate as intended.
    • Verify all new equipment as per CAN/ULC.
    • Re-program the existing custom configuration software, to maintain existing Sequence of Operation programming and ULC listing.
    • Hand over any Materials in operational condition and compatible with other detection systems at the institution to the CSC representative for spares or other uses.
    • Perform any required miscellaneous electrical work (i.e., 120 VAC isolation) during panel upgrades.

    All fiber optic drivers/REP repeater boards must remain.
    All existing conduit, wiring, signaling devices, sprinkler switches, must remain.

    The contractor must make arrangements for all required testing and is responsible for obtaining all licenses and permits associated with this project.
    During the Warranty period, the contractor must maintain the newly installed equipment, and have access to Siemens support services, including, but not limited to:
    a. Marketing Updates.
    b. Firmware or software releases.
    c. TechALERT notices.
    d. Product Application notices.

    Business address

    3030 Conroy Road, suite 100

    Ottawa , ON, K1G 6C2
    Notice type
    Directed Contract
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding
    Selection criteria
    Lowest Price
    Region(s) of delivery

    Contract duration

    The contract will be for a period of 3 month(s), from 2023/12/28 to 2024/03/31.

    Commodity - UNSPSC

    • 46190000 - Fire protection
    • 46191500 - Fire prevention
    • 46191505 - Fire alarm systems
    • 46191602 - Fire sprinkler systems
    • 46191608 - Fire suppression system
    • 72101509 - Fire protection system and equipment maintenance or repair service

    Trade agreements

    • Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA)
    • Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA)
    • Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
    • Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement
    • Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement
    • Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA)
    • Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)

    Reason for limited tendering

    A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:

    • None
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Correctional Service Canada

    445 Union Street West

    Kingston, ON, K7L 2R8
    Contracting authority
    Darrin Molleson
    (613) 329-1381

    445 Union Street West

    Kingston, ON, K7L 2R8
    Date modified: