Administration, Operations and Maintenance of the Îles-de-la-Madeleine Airport
Status Expired
Contract number T3033-220169
Solicitation number T3033-220169
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
Status Expired
Contract number T3033-220169
Solicitation number T3033-220169
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
This notice of award is the result of the invitation to tender - GSIN R199L Facilities Operations Service
A. Transport Canada would like to fulfill the following requirement: the administration, maintenance and operation of the Îles-de-la-Madeleine Airport facilities located at 210 Chemin de l ‘Aeroport, Îles-de-la-Madeleine or, Quebec, Canada, G4T 5L2.
B. The work includes but is not limited to:
1. The management, maintenance and operations of all of airport premises and facilities, namely:
a. Runways, taxiways, aprons;
b. The access roads and the parking area;
c. Buildings (air terminal building, maintenance garage, warehouse);
d. Heavy equipment vehicles and other tools and equipment;
e. Various mechanical (plumbing, ventilation, heating, etc.) and electrical systems.
2. Ensure compliance with aviation regulations and all other regulations applicable to the airport site.
3. Be responsible for the safety and security on the airport site.
4. Work in collaboration with Transport Canada in the application of the Safety Management System (SMS)
5. Work in collaboration with Transport Canada to achieve its goals (transportation system that is safe and secure, efficient, and environmentally responsible)
714-7e Avenue de l'aéroport
The contract will be for a period of 5 month(s), from 2023/11/01 to 2024/03/31.
CAD 750,671.78
A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:
700 Leigh-Capreol
700 Leigh-Capreol