Agricultural Tractor
Status Expired
Contract number W8476-246808/001/SV
Solicitation number W8476-246808/A
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
Status Expired
Contract number W8476-246808/001/SV
Solicitation number W8476-246808/A
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
The Department of National Defence has a requirement for the supply of Qty five (5), Agricultural Tractor and related items in accordance with Supply Arrangement E60HS-18AGTR for Configuration A, B, C.
1555 Kubota Drive,
The contract will be for a period of 2 month(s), from 2024/03/22 to 2024/05/30.
CAD 504,593.44
A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:
101 Colonel By Drive