Canada/United States Boarder Tree Clearing
Status Expired
Contract number 3000767114
Solicitation number NRCan - 5000073104
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
Status Expired
Contract number 3000767114
Solicitation number NRCan - 5000073104
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
By means of the RFP, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is seeking proposals for Vegetation/Vista Clearing Services between Canada and the United States Border. The International Boundary Commission is responsible for the maintenance of an effective boundary line between Canada and the United States. One part of the work is to keep a 6.1-metre (20-foot) wide “vista” clear of trees and brush between the two countries.
The resulting contract will be from date of award to October 13, 2023.
1066 San Marino Crescent
The contract will be for a period of 3 month(s), from 2023/06/29 to 2023/10/13.
CAD 380,540.48
A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:
1 Challenger Drive
1 Challenger Drive