Modernization Project Montreal
Status Expired
Contract number 3000774628
Solicitation number 5000075993
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
Status Expired
Contract number 3000774628
Solicitation number 5000075993
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
1. This Contract is issued pursuant under PWGSC Supply Arrangement (SA) # E60PQ-140003/C after RFB and covers a requirement from the following Product Category(ies) of the SA:
- Product Category 3 - Metal Filing and Storage Cabinets;
- This requirement also contains products that are NON-SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT.
2.Environment and Climate Change Canada has a requirement for the purchase, delivery and installation of office furniture to Dominique-Ducharme Building, 105 McGill/400 Place d’Youville, 7th floor, Montreal, Quebec H2Y 2E7 by February 25, 2024.
3. This requirement is subject to the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA).
5. There is a security requirement associated with the requirement. Contractor personnel MAY NOT ENTER sites where PROTECTED/CLASSIFIED information or assets are kept, without an escort provided by the department or agency for which the work is being performed.
108-1016 McCallum Road
The contract will be for a period of 2 month(s), from 2023/12/13 to 2024/02/25.
CAD 98,274.88
A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:
105 McGill Street
105 McGill Street