Great Bear Lake ecosystem sampling 2023
Status Expired
Contract number 4500048342
Solicitation number 30004379
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
Status Expired
Contract number 4500048342
Solicitation number 30004379
Publication date
Contract award date
Last amendment date
Contract value
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada has a requirement to collect data and tissue samples of fish and invertebrates, and data on water quality. Data on water quality will address DFO’s mandate to provide advice to co-management partners on sustainable harvest of fish resources.
Data and tissue samples for fish species, phytoplankton, and invertebrate samples from Dease / Smith / Keith Arm of Great Bear Lake. Data and tissue samples must be transferred to Project Authority by September 30, 2023.
1) Dease Arm and Smith Arm Field Workers
Contractor must provide four (4) personnel as environmental technicians for the sampling project at Great Bear Lake. On Dease Arm and Smith Arm of Great Bear Lake, two of the four workers will work on a boat in order to sample fish, while the two other workers will work on a separate boat in order to sample fish and collect water quality information.
2) Smith Arm Camp Assistants
Contractor must provide two (2) personnel to make dry fish (to be distributed to Délı̨nę community members), clean/disinfect camp following Covid-19 guidance and cook for sampling project on Dease and Smith Arms of Great Bear Lake. The persons who are hired as camp worker and assistant must be able to maintain an orderly camp including cooking, clean up, maintaining fires, securing fire wood, as well as preparation and drying of fish for distribution to community members in Délı̨nę. They may also help with the recording of data in the fish processing tent.
3) Local field assistants for Keith Arm sampling
Contractor must provide two (2) personnel as local field assistants to independently record water quality parameters, collect zooplankton, and phytoplankton samples and deploy an array of temperature loggers at three stationary locations near Délı̨nę. (One of these assistants shall be the crew lead.)
4) Local community assistants for set-up/takedown
Contractor must provide two (2) personnel as a local community assistant/ helpers to provide help for the lead technician setting up equipment and organizing gear (e.g., gill nets, tent, sampling equipment, camping equipment) in Délı̨nę prior to departure for field camp and upon return.
5) Boat Rental
Contractor must provide one (1) boat and motor suitable to successfully set and retrieve gill nets and to undertake hook and line fishing for the capture of lake trout on Dease and Smith Arms. The vessel shall be sufficient to transport personnel (up to four persons), netting gear and fish samples (18ft long or greater). Motor(s), preferably 4-stroke, shall be in good working condition. At least one paddle shall be provided. At least one person shall be able to captain the boat and navigate to sample and camp locations.
6) Translation
Assist DFO personnel with translation of work to workers and other aspects of communication.
2.2 Constraints
i. The Contractor must ensure all appropriate insurances, including Workers Compensation or an acceptable alternative and accident and liability, have been obtained before work may begin. Proof must be supplied within 14 days of award of the contract.
ii. The Contractor must report immediately, any problems to the Project Authority so the appropriate action can be taken to ensure the contract can be completed within the contract period.
iii. The Contractor must ensure that boat operators are aware that they and their boats must meet the safety requirements as set out by Transport Canada.
iv. The Contractor must obtain and maintain all permits, licenses and certificates of approval required for the Work to be performed under any applicable federal, provincial or municipal legislation. The Contractor is responsible for any charges imposed by such legislation or regulations. Upon request, the Contractor must provide a copy of any such permit, license or certificate to Canada.
v. The Contractor must provide their own bedding, tents and firearms.
2.3 Estimated level of Effort
• 1 x Field worker (crew lead): 20 days
• 1 x Field Worker 20 days
• 2 x Field Worker (Délı̨nę Guardians): 19 days
• 2 x Camp Worker: 20 days
• 2 x Local community assistants for set-up/takedown: 6 days
• 2 x Field assistants for Keith Arm sampling (Délı̨nę): 10 days
• 1 x Boat Rental: 26 Days
3. Criteria for assessment of the Statement of Capabilities (Minimum Essential Requirements)
Any interested supplier must demonstrate by way of a statement of capabilities that it meets the following requirements:
3.1 The primary resource (crew lead) must have performed the responsibilities of crew lead on a minimum of one project implementing a fish community and ecosystem study from remote field camps on a large northern lake.
3.2 The primary resource (crew lead) and field worker (lead) must each have a minimum of three years of experience working as a boat captain travelling to remote locations on a large northern lake.
3.3 The field workers must each have worked on a minimum of one project implementing a fish community and ecosystem study from remote field camps on a large northern lake.
3.4 All field workers must each have a minimum of two experience to make judgements to ensure the safety of other field personnel during the project.
3.5 At least one person must have a command of both English and the Sahtu language.
3.6 The camp worker must have a minimum of two years’ experience performing the responsibilities of cooking for approximately seven people at a remote field camp for approximately two weeks, keeping an orderly camp and safely serving food.
3.7 The camp worker and assistants must have a combined minimum of two years’ experience preparing dry fish for the community of Deline, maintaining fires and securing fire wood.
3.8 All personnel assigned to this contract must be identified as “participants” as per Chapter 4, Eligibility and Enrolment of the Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement.
PO Box 156
The contract will be for a period of 3 month(s), from 2023/07/31 to 2023/11/01.
CAD 644,000.00
A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:
301 Bishop Dr
301 Bishop Dr