Wharf Repairs - St. Lewis, Newfoundland & Labrador (NL)

Status Expired

Contract number 4500055231

Solicitation number 30004839

Publication date

Contract award date

Last amendment date

Contract value

CAD 551,770.00


    This contract was awarded to:

    Floyd's Construction Limited

    Wharf Repairs
    St. Lewis, NL
    P/N: C2-00589

    The scope of work for this project consists of the furnishing of all plant, labour, equipment and material for wharf repairs at St. Lewis, NL, in strict accordance with specifications and accompanying drawings and subject to all terms and conditions of the Contract.

    In general, the work under this contract consists of, but will not necessarily be limited to, the following:

    .1 Partial or total demolition and removal of required components.
    .2 Removal and replacement of the existing wheel guard and wheel guard blocking.
    .3 Removal and replacement of existing top horizontal hardwood fender.
    .4 Remove existing electrical trench concrete and replace with new.
    .5 Repair existing concrete deck.
    .6 Remove existing aluminum electrical pedestal and replace with a galvanized electrical pedestal that is currently on site.
    .7 Remove two (2) existing light fixtures from the existing jib crane and turn over to owner. Supply and install two (2) LED solar light fixtures on the existing jib crane.
    .8 Refurbish existing Type A and Type Bl mooring cleat anchor blocks.
    .9 Supply and install new mooring rings.
    .10 Remove and dispose of 13 existing bollards including removal of existing material from around existing waste oil tank foundation.
    .11 Supply and install 13 new bollards and new Type 1 material around existing waste oil tank foundation.
    .12 Removal and disposal of existing slipway hardwood runners, pressure treated sleepers and beams.
    .13 Removal and disposal of 1 existing winch house including concrete foundation and support blocks.
    .14 Removal and disposal of existing concrete winch cable blocks.
    .15 Supply and placement of new rock fill and granular materials for the new upland area.


    Before submitting a bid, bidders can visit the site and its surroundings, at their own expense and schedule, to review and verify the form, nature, and extent of the work, materials needed for the completion of the work, the means of access to the site, site remoteness, severity, exposure, and uncertainty of weather, soil conditions, any accommodations they may require, and in general shall obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies, and other circumstances which may influence or affect their bid. No allowance shall be made subsequently in this connection on account or error or negligence to properly observe and determine the conditions that will apply.

    Contractors, bidders, or those they invite to site are to review specification Section 01 35 28 – Health and Safety Requirements before visiting site. Take all appropriate safety measures for any visit to site, either before or after acceptance of bid.

    The Contractor must perform and complete the Work by March 31, 2024.

    Business address

    16 West Link Road, POBox 45

    Rocky Harbour, NL, A0K 4N0
    Notice type
    Request for Proposal
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding
    Selection criteria
    Lowest Price
    Region(s) of delivery

    Contract duration

    The contract will be for a period of 5 month(s), from 2023/10/24 to 2024/03/31.

    Commodity - UNSPSC

    • 72141200 - Marine construction services

    Trade agreements

    • Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)

    Reason for limited tendering

    A contracting officer can use limited tendering for specific reasons outlined in the applicable trade agreements. The reason for this contract is described below:

    • None
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Fisheries and Oceans

    200 Kent Street

    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E6
    Contracting authority
    Tammy O'Toole
    (343) 550-1758

    200 Kent Street

    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E6
    Date modified: