Status Awarded
Contract number 588782
Solicitation number AL1483
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Status Awarded
Contract number 588782
Solicitation number AL1483
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This contract was awarded to:
BACKGROUND The National Capital Commission (NCC) is a Crown corporation of the Government of Canada. Our goal is to ensure that Canada’s Capital Region is a source of national pride and significance. Since 1996, the Gatineau Park water quality monitoring program has been entirely managed by the NCC. This program includes monitoring the quality of drinking water and swimming water, various parameters at recreational lakes and watercourses in Gatineau Park, and the water in a treatment pond serving the Philippe Lake campground and beaches. PURPOSE The NCC is seeking a laboratory certified by Quebec’s Ministère du développement durable, de l’environnement, de la faune et des parcs (MDDEFP) that can provide all the professional, technical and reporting services required to carry out the following activities: sampling and bacteriological and physical-chemical analysis of the quality of drinking water from various sites in Gatineau Park; sampling and bacteriological analysis of the swimming water at beaches on NCC land (Gatineau Park, and Leamy Lake in Gatineau); bacteriological and physical-chemical analysis of the water at the treatment pond and outflow at Philippe Lake in Gatineau Park; analysis of various bacteriological and physical-chemical parameters of water samples from lakes in Gatineau Park as well as two lakes outside the Park; analysis of various bacteriological and physical-chemical parameters for water samples from watercourses in Gatineau Park; interpretation, and communication to Gatineau Park staff, of all analysis results obtained; on the basis of the analysis results, recommendations on the structure and operation of existing drinking water systems and the treatment pond; produce annual reports.
Refer to the description above for full details.