Rock Sourcing and Supply
Status Awarded
Contract number 4547:928-7H4-0-C2A
Solicitation number 4547:928-7H4-0-C1A
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 4547:928-7H4-0-C2A
Solicitation number 4547:928-7H4-0-C1A
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Sealed tenders will be received by the A/Manager Materiel, AAFC until 2:00 p.m., local Regina time, Tuesday, February 4, 2014, for the following contract: Contract 1A - Highfield Dam - Riprap Supply and Stockpiling located near Rush Lake, Saskatchewan. Procurement of 850 cubic metres of riprap. The tender package may be viewed at: 1) The offices of the local Builders' Exchange or Construction Associations in Winnipeg, Regina, Moose Jaw, Medicine Hat, Saskatoon; and ConData in Winnipeg, and 2) The AAFC Swift Current District Office, L. B. Thompson Place, Gate 2, SPARC, Airport Road, Swift Current, Saskatchewan.(contact: Mr. Glenn McLaughlin, (306) 778-5009). Tender packages for bidding are available from: A/Materiel Manager, 300 – 2010 12th Avenue, REGINA, Saskatchewan S4P 0M3, Ph. (306) 523-6600. Tenders will not be considered unless submitted on the forms supplied by AAFC. Bidders are advised to draw the bidding documents from the A/Materiel Manager to ensure receipt of future addenda which may affect the bid. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Refer to the description above for full details.