Status Awarded
Contract number D1120-13-7000
Solicitation number D1120-13-7000
Publication date
Contract award date
Status Awarded
Contract number D1120-13-7000
Solicitation number D1120-13-7000
Publication date
Contract award date
This contract was awarded to:
This is a Request for Standing Offers (RFSO) for the establishment of multiple Standing Offers to satisfy the requirements of the Public Service Commission (PSC) for Psychological Assessment and Counselling Services for the National Capital Region and various regions and provinces across Canada on an “as and when requested” basis for a period commencing on the date of the Standing Offer Authorization and terminating one year later, with provisions to extend the period for three (3) additional one-year periods. Any extensions of the Standing Offer period will be done under the same terms and conditions and at the rates or prices specified in the Standing Offer, or at the rates or prices calculated in accordance with the formula specified in the Standing Offer. The PSC will consider entering into Standing Offers with Bidders offering the most acceptable proposals determined in regards to the evaluation factors set out in this RFSO.
Refer to the description above for full details.