Status Awarded
Contract number 591244, 591247, 591248, 591249, 591250, 591251
Solicitation number NG261
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 591244, 591247, 591248, 591249, 591250, 591251
Solicitation number NG261
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
This contract was awarded to:
The National Capital Commission (NCC) wishes to retain the services of Landscape Architectural consulting firms to provide professional services on an "as and when requested" basis under a Standing Offer Agreement (SOA). All projects are located in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec within the National Capital Region. It is the NCC’s intention to award a minimum of five (5) Standing Offer Agreements for a period of four (4) years from the date of award. To be considered, your proposal must be received no later than 3 p.m. Ottawa time on August 28, 2014 at the National Capital Commission, 3rd Floor Service Centre, 40 Elgin Street in Ottawa, Canada, K1P 1C7, with a reference to tender file #NG261. Faxed, email or late submissions will not be accepted. Proposals may be submitted in French or in English. Enquiries regarding this proposal must be submitted in writing to Nicole Galipeau, Senior Contract Officer, telephone number - 613-239-5678 ext. 5191, facsimile number 613-239-5007 or e-mail address – as early as possible within the solicitation period. Enquiries should be received no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the date set for solicitation closing to allow sufficient time to provide a response. Enquiries received after that time may result in an answer not being provided. To ensure consistency and quality of the information provided to all Proponents, the Senior Contract Officer shall examine the content of the enquiry and shall decide whether or not to issue an amendment. All enquiries and other communications related to this proposal sent throughout the solicitation period are to be directed ONLY to the Senior Contract Officer named above. Non-compliance with this requirement during the solicitation period can, for that reason alone, result in disqualification of a proposal. Note that amounts quoted in this RFP are in Canadian dollars. Payment is net is 30 days. There will be no public opening for this Request for Proposal. This procurement process is subject to Chapter 10 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and subjectto Chapter IX of the World Trade Organization (WTO-AGP). Tender documents can be obtained from BUY AND SELL. The official Government Electronic Tendering Service website is . Please ensure that you download your documents from this site, in order to obtain all information related to the tender. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have received all the posted tender information to ensure tender compliance and not be disqualified.
Refer to the description above for full details.