Status Awarded
Contract number F5211-150007
Solicitation number F5211-150007
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Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number F5211-150007
Solicitation number F5211-150007
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Nature of Work: The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), has a requirement for the services of a firm to collect, code, validate, and file statistical forms for each of the three maritime areas covered by the Department: Gaspésie, the Magdalen Islands and the North Shore. The work periods are as follows: For the Magdalen Islands area: Approximately 33 weeks between April 1 and December 15 of each year; For the North Shore area: Approximately 34 weeks between April 1 and December 15 of each year; and For the Gaspésie area: Approximately 33 weeks between April 1 and December 15 of each year. The work involves the collection and preliminary processing of statistical records is the core of the entire statistical system the Department has implemented. The Department expects the supplier to establish an effective organization with enough flexibility to fully complete all the tasks required. This requirement is from 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 and contains an option to extend the contract by two (2) additional periods of one (1) year each. Bidders are instructed to consult the tender package for further details and specific requirements. Tender documents must be downloaded from Those who submit a bid agree to be bound by the instructions, clauses and conditions of the solicitation and accept the clauses and conditions of any resulting contract. Site Location: North Shore Sector 701, boulevard Laure Sept-Îles (Québec) Gaspésie Sector 120, rue de la Reine Gaspé (Québec) Magdalen Islands Sector 235, chemin Principal Cap-aux-Meules (Québec) Start Date: 01 April 2015. Completion Date: 31 March 2016. Your bid submission must include: One (1) Signed copy of the Bid. Please submit Tender to Signed Tenders will be received up to 2:00 PM, Atlantic Time, 12 February 2015, for the said service in accordance with the documents enclosed. Any Tenders received after the above noted time will be considered late and will be not be considered. Tenders may be revised by email provided the tender and revision(s) are both received prior to Tender Closing Time. The onus is on the bidder to ensure that the bid is delivered on time to the location designated. Inquiries: Direct all technical and contractual inquiries to the contracting authority, Jean-Yves Hamel, by email at Fisheries and Oceans Canada will not necessarily accept the lowest or any of the tenders received and reserves the right to reject any and all tenders received which shall be final and at the sole discretion of the Department.
Refer to the description above for full details.