Status Awarded
Contract number 4600001187
Solicitation number 1000170112
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Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 4600001187
Solicitation number 1000170112
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
The Environmental Planning and Management Unit (EPM) is responsible for fulfilling the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada’s (AANDC) environmental obligations in the Manitoba region. The EPM Unit conducts activities in Environmental Site Reviews, Site Sampling Programs, Risk Management and Remediation Planning, Environmental Planning Services, and Environmental Awareness Services required to assess and manage environmental concerns and the associated risk to human health on reserve lands and lands selected to become reserve. Professional expertise is required to provide Environmental Site Reviews, Site Sampling Programs, Risk Management and Remediation Planning, Environmental Planning Services, Environmental Awareness Services and on an as needed basis. Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND), Manitoba Region, are inviting proposals from bidders for the above mentioned services. All bidders must: • have a lead engineer who must hold a Membership in the Association of Professional Engineers and Geologists of Manitoba (APEGM) and who must have a minimum of five (5) years of relevant experience; and • provide one written project summary for each of the five (5) categories of work, describing in details the Bidder’s current/previous experience in successfully providing similar services within the past five years, including at least one project summary with aboriginal involvement. Bidders will be rated on past experience (as described in the project summaries), the lead engineer’s experience, proposed project team composition, proposed approach and methodology, administrative coordination, quality of the proposal and cost. Standing Offer Agreements (SOAs) may be awarded for one (1) year, with an option to extend the term by two (2) additional one (1) year periods under the same terms and conditions.
Refer to the description above for full details.