Health Benefits Modeling, Expert Elicitation and Analysis Relating to a Product Standard

Status Awarded

Contract number 4500348346

Solicitation number 1000174109

Publication date

Contract award date

Contract value

CAD 299,999.00


    This contract was awarded to:

    Industrial Economics, Incorporated


    Solicitation #: 1000174109 Closing Date: March 8, 2016 Time: 2 p.m. EDT

    This requirement is for the department of Health Canada.


    Health Benefits Modeling, Expert Elicitation and Analysis Relating to a Product Standard

    Objectives of the Requirement

    Health Canada (HC) requires the services of subject matter specialists to expand and validate a model that was created for HC to examine the potential Health Benefits of an Addictiveness Reduction Standard for Tobacco Products sold in Canada. Specific objectives of this contract are:

    a) to complete additional research to incorporate potential health benefits of tobacco product standards that would reduce tobacco’s addictiveness, and

    b) to formally validate the research and resulting model.

    Estimated Value:

    Not to exceed $300,000

    Ownership of Intellectual Property:

    Health Canada will own the Copyright.

    Security Requirement:

    There is no security requirement.

    Mandatory Requirements:

    M1. The resource proposed as the Project Lead for this requirement must have a minimum of five (5) cumulative years of experience undertaking the development of models and scenarios for use in economic analysis of public sector regulations.

    M2. Any other resources other than the Project Lead proposed by the Bidder to undertake the work must have a minimum of three (3) cumulative years of experience undertaking the development of models and scenarios for use in economic analysis of public sector regulations.

    M3. The Bidder as a corporate entity must have a minimum of seven (7) cumulative years of experience undertaking the development of models and scenarios for use in economic analysis of public sector regulations.

    M4. The resource proposed as the Project Lead must have a minimum of two (2) projects in the last ten (10) years in which they were the Lead in quantifying benefits of health policy changes.

    M5. The Bidder as a corporate entity must have a minimum of two (2) projects of a similar size and scope as outlined in the SOW in the last five (5) years in which they were responsible for the providing the client with an analysis quantifying benefits of health policy changes.

    M6. The resource proposed as the lead must have a minimum of one (1) project in the last five (5) years in which they have undertaken reviews and analysis of changes to the tobacco industry on the part of a national level of government.

    M7. The Bidder must provide in their Technical Proposal an approach and methodology in sufficient detail to show how it related to the Statement of Work (SOW) and includes:

    a) the General Approach which will be undertaken for the work;

    b) the Methodology that is proposed for the work and if it has been deployed before by the Bidder;

    c) the Work Plan and Project Schedule cross referenced against the tasks in the SOW; and

    d) the Performance and Quality Approach that will be undertaken.

    Selection Methodology

    The responsive bid with the highest combined rating of technical merit and price will be recommended for award of a contract.

    Enquiries regarding this Request for Proposals are to be submitted in writing to:

    Robert Merrick

    Contracting Authority


    Business address
    2067 Massachusetts Avenue
    Cambridge, MA, 02140
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Commodity - GSIN

    • R123AQ - Evaluation & Performance Measurement Services
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Health Canada
    Address Locator 0900C2
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0K9
    Contracting authority
    Merrick, Robert
    200 Eglantine Driveway, Tunney's Pasture
    Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K9

    Buying organization(s)

    Health Canada
    Address Locator 0900C2
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0K9
    Date modified: