Liquid Metal Coating of Interior of Process Vessels
Status Awarded
Contract number 3000612564
Solicitation number NRCan- 5000020776
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 3000612564
Solicitation number NRCan- 5000020776
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
This contract was awarded to:
To have the interior of various process vessels coated with Hastelloy® C 276 using high velocity
oxygen fuel (HVOF) thermal spray application. The interior of the following vessels (as well as
the quantity) are as follows:
1. Combustor assembly, including bonnet, upper and lower shell assemblies (x1)
2. Ash handling vessel #1 (x1)
3. Ash handling vessel #2 (x1)
4. SS316 24” blowdown tank (x1)
5. Scrubber bottom cross (x1)
6. Scrubber main vessel (x1)
7. Scrubber top head (x1)
8. Filter housing assembly (x6)
9. Quench-scrubber line (scrubber end) (x1)
10. Quench-scrubber line (quench end) (x1)
11. Reactor sandwich flange (x1)
Refer to the description above for full details.