Existing Building Renovations, Edson, AB

Status Awarded

Contract number 7215332

Solicitation number M5000-17-1275/A

Publication date

Contract award date

Contract value

CAD 110,970.00

    This contract was awarded to:
    Taurus Contractors Ltd

     Buyandsell.gc.ca/tenders is the Government of Canada’s Electronic Tendering Service Provider.

    Bidders are responsible for obtaining copies of solicitation forms, special instructions, and specifications which are available directly from the buyandsell site. Bidders will arrange to print the documents they require at a printer of their choice or on their own equipment. Addenda, when issued, will be available from the site. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that all addenda issued prior to solicitation closing have been obtained and addressed in the submitted offer.

    Buyandsell.gc.ca/tenders does not advise potential bidders of changes to any of the projects. It is the responsibility of potential bidders to ensure that they are frequenting the site, ensuring that they are in receipt of all amendments for projects.

    Please include, as part of your bid package, copies of all amendments that have been duly signed/initialed verifying proof of receipt.

    Existing Building Renovations

    Work under this contract will involve, but is not limited to the following for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Detachment in Edson, AB:

    1. Relocation and fit-up of existing soft interview room.
    2. Removal of walls in general office area (room 144).
    3. Painting of Corridors 136/137 and wall around room 144.
    4. Wiring of new created interview room to LAN room.
    5. Wiring of existing Secure Interview Room to LAN room.
    6. Replacement glazing in cell door viewports, and cell viewport windows

    Scope detailed is not all inclusive see specifications attached separately.

    The Contractor shall perform and complete the Work by 31 March 2017.

    The Ineligibility and Suspension Policy and integrity clauses are being incorporated in RCMP contracting activities as outlined in this solicitation.

    There is a security requirement associated with the requirement.

    The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement.

    The RCMP has publishedits National Procurement Plan for 2015/16. Forfurtherinformation please see link:http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/pubs/cm-gg/index-eng.htmor http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/pubs/cm-gg/index-fra.htm

    Business address
    20030-107 Ave
    Edmonton, AB, T5S 1W8
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Commodity - GSIN

    • 5159B - Other Special Trade Construction Work
    • 5164A - Electrical Installations and Major Repairs
    • 5161A - Heating (except electric heating) and Air Conditioning
    • 5161AE - Air Conditioning Contractor Services
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Royal Canadian Mounted Police
    73 Leikin Dr
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1AOR2
    Contracting authority
    Hengen, Teresa
    5600 11th Ave
    Regina, SK, S4P 3J7

    Buying organization(s)

    Royal Canadian Mounted Police
    73 Leikin Dr
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1AOR2
    Date modified: