Cape Spear WW2 Bunker Recap
Status Awarded
Contract number 45379092
Solicitation number 5P300-16-5335
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Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 45379092
Solicitation number 5P300-16-5335
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
The Cape Spear National Historic Site is located near St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The overall site contains multiple attractions that include geographic, cultural, historical landmarks. The Battery complex is situated below the lighthouse near the most easterly tip of Cape Spear. The complex has a number of interconnected elements that include concrete bunkers, two gun emplacements, ready rooms, magazines and connected tunnels. The batteries were constructed in 1941 to protect the St John’s harbour During World War II.
This project will see the rehabilitation of existing magazines, ready rooms, gun emplacements and tunnel sections that are still structurally sound. Failed tunnel sections will be replaced using precast concrete box culverts. The northern entrance will be re-established using a concrete stairwell and the entire structure will incorporate new waterproofing, new drainage, clean fill and electrical conduit. New security gates will be erected for controlled access.
There is a significant amount of precast concrete work and it is intended that new tunnel sections will be fabricated off- site and erected by crane into the final location with some cast-in-place joint work required to join new and existing sections. Care must be taken to produce a good, solid and durable end product.
The Contractor will be responsible, as per the general conditions as well as the specifications and drawings, for the timely completion of the work associated with this Contract and ensuring the quality of the work of their own forces and all subcontractors. There are key milestone and completion dates that are significant to the Owner and the schedule. Work must be monitored and completed to meet the goals at the milestone and completion dates specified.
A bid security is required.
Contractors must have $5,000,000.00 Liability Insurance Coverage and a Builder’s risk insurance.
Refer to the description above for full details.