Research Analysis, Research Services and Document Management Services (Set-Aside for Aboriginal Businesses)

Status Awarded

Contract number 4600001267

Solicitation number 1000183752

Publication date

Contract award date


    This contract was awarded to:


    RFSO NUMBER: 1000183752

    PROJECT TITLE: Research Analysis, Research Services and Document Management Services – Set-Aside for Aboriginal Business

     The Litigation Management and Resolution Branch (LMRB) of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND) is seeking a number of suppliers (individuals) to provide research analysis, research services and document management services in support of its mandate. The resulting standing offer agreements will continue from contract award to March 31, 2019. LMRB requires two additional optional extensions of one (1) year each to this mechanism. The individual suppliers are to provide the required services in one or more of the following 3 regions: Quebec, NCR and Calgary

     Stream 1 – Research Analysis, Research Services and Document Management

     M1 Proposed Resource

     For All Regions:

     The Bidder MUST name within its Proposal one (1) Resource, who MUST meet all of INAC’s minimum qualification requirements for the Research Analysis, Research Services and Document Management Resource category, as described in section 8.1 ‘Resource Categories and Qualifications’ of Annex ‘A’, Statement of Work.

     The Bidder MUST use Table M1 – Proposed Resource - below for the submission of Resource information. Bidders may add additional rows to Table M1 to include all relevant information for the proposed Resource.

     Table M1 MUST include:

    A) Language capabilities;

    B) Academic and professional attainments; and

    C) Work experience.

     For the Québec Region only:

     Due to the nature of the records/source material/deliverables being exclusively in French, it is essential that evidence of language capability be assessed. Bidders MUST provide a minimum 20 page professional or academic research report sample authored by the Resource with the Resource’s signature that they in fact authored the piece in the French language.

    M2 Resource Project Summaries

     The Bidder MUST provide two (2) different written project summaries describing in detail the Resource’s previous/current experience in successfully providing Research Analysis tasks as described in Annex “A”, Statement of Work section 5.2, within the past ten (10) years (dates calculated on the closing date of the RFP).

    The Bidder MUST complete a Table M2 – Resource Project Summary Form – for each Project Summary submitted. The Bidder MUST complete all blank fields in Table M2 for each Resource Project Summary.

     The Bidder is encouraged to provide detailed responses for each of the requirements set out in the Table.

     The Bidder should copy Table M2 as required.

     For Calgary and NCR Regions: The projects described in the M2 summaries MUST be projects which were completed in English.

     For Québec Region: The projects described in the M2 summaries MUST be projects which were completed in French.

     M3 Research Planning and Assessment Task

    3.0 The Bidder must complete a research plan Annex “F”

     3.1 Scenario Response: Research Plan

     For the NCR Region:

     Bidders submitting a proposal in the NCR region must submit a response against either the Historic Treaty (Option 1) or the Oil and Gas Case (Option 2), at the Bidder’s discretion (see Annex F). The Bidder’s choice of scenario will have no bearing on the Bidder’s score or any resultant call-up in any resultant Standing Offer Agreement.

     For the Calgary Region:

    Bidders submitting a proposal in Calgary region must submit a response against the Oil and Gas case only. (see Annex “F”).

     or the NCR/Calgary Regions:

    In order to demonstrate professional capabilities in the language of work required, Bidders submitting a Proposal against the NCR or Calgary Regions MUST provide their response to this criterion in English.

    For the Québec Region:
    Bidders submitting a proposal in the Québec Region must submit a response against the French Scenario “Tribunal des revendications particulières”. In order to demonstrate professional capabilities in the language of work required, Bidders submitting a Proposal against the Québec Region MUST provide their response to this criterion in French.

    For All Regions:

    The bidder’s response should be no longer than 10 pages in 12 point font on 81/2 by 11 paper size.

    Note the scenarios presented are entirely fictitious and are meant to provide a measure of the Bidder’s ability to complete a Research Plan. Any resemblance of the scenarios to actual events, names, or places is entirely unintentional.

    M4 Database Task

    a) In Annex “G” there are ten (10) English public record documents (Numbered as AAA-0001 though AAA-0010).

    b) Bidders MUST use the attached Appendix “A”, “Tombstone Coding Protocol” as a basis for coding of the 10 standard fields only for each of the ten (10) provided documents and must submit an electronic dataset for the coded documents.

    c) Completed datasets should be provided in Excel format and should NOT include any of the excluded characters and abide by the other restrictions outlined in Appendix “A”. An additional hard copy printout of the datasets should be provided. If the electronic version fails to function, and there is no additional hard copy printout provided, the bid will be eliminated.

    Stream 2 – Research Services and Document Management

    M1 Proposed Resource

     For all Regions:

    The Bidder MUST name within its Proposal one (1) Resource, who MUST meet all of INAC’s minimum qualification requirements for the Research Services and Document Management Resource Category, as described in section 8.1 ‘Resource Categories and Qualifications’ of Annex “A”, Statement of Work.

    The Bidder MUST use Table M1 – Proposed Resource - below for the submission of Resource information. Bidders may add additional rows to Table M1 to include all relevant information for the proposed Resource.

    TABLE M1 MUST include:

    1. Language capabilities;
    2. Academic and professional attainments; and
    3. Work experience.

    For the Québec Region only:

    For evidence of language capabilities, bidders MUST provide a minimum 10 page research report sample authored by the Resource with the Resource’s signature that they in fact authored the piece in the French language.

    M2 Resource Project Summary

    For All Regions:

    The Bidder MUST provide two (2) different written project summaries describing in detail a Resource’s previous/current experience in successfully providing similar Research Services as described in Annex “A”, Statement of Work, section 5.2, during the past ten (10) years (dates calculated on the closing date of the RFP).

    The Bidder MUST provide all information required in Table M2 – Resource Project Summary Form – for each Project Summary submitted. . The Bidder is encouraged to provide detailed responses for each of the requirements set out in the Table. The Bidder should copy Table M2 as required.

    For Calgary and NCR Regions: The projects described in the M2 summaries MUST be projects which were completed in French.

    For Québec Region: The projects described in the M2 summaries MUST be projects which were completed in French.

    M3 Document Summaries and Chronology of Events

    The purpose of this exercise is to test the bidder’s ability to write concise document summaries for the ten documents provided at Annex “G” (Numbered as AAA-001-AAA-0010) and write a narrative chronology of events based on the ten documents.

    Documents provided will include both handwritten and typed text as commonly found in historical and contemporary documents. Note that document summaries should reflect the core content of the document.

    Bidders must provide a response to this exercise in English, including the document summaries and a chronology of events document.

    M4 Database Task

    a) In Annex “G”, there are ten (10) English public record documents (Numbered as AAA-0001 though AAA-0010).

    b) Bidders MUST use the attached Appendix “A”, “Tombstone Coding Protocol” as a basis for coding of the 10 standard fields only for each of the ten (10) provided documents and must submit an electronic dataset for the coded documents.

    c) Completed datasets should be provided in Excel format and should NOT include any of the excluded characters and abide by the other restrictions outlined in Appendix “A”. An additional hard copy printout of the datasets should be provided. If the electronic version fails to function and if there is no additional hard copy printout provided, the bid will be eliminated.

     The period of the standing offer Agreements are from award until March 31, 2019 with two (2) one (1) year option periods.

    DIAND may award up to a total of eight (8) Standing Offer Agreements (SOAs) as follow:

    The SOAs will be awarded based on a determination of Best Value taking into account both the technical merit of the Proposals and the Financial Evaluation.

    The Bidder(s) will be selected on the basis of the highest combined rating of technical merit and price.

    Security: Pursuant to the Government of Canada Security Policy, the nature of the services to be provided under the Standing Offer Agreement requires a Government of Canada Security Clearance.

    "This procurement is set aside under the federal government Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business. For more information on Aboriginal business requirements of the Set-aside Program for Aboriginal Business, see Annex 9.4 of the Supply Manual."

    Business address
    100 - 1088 Somerset Street West
    Ottawa, ON, K1Y 3C7
    Procurement method
    Competitive - Limited Tendering

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Commodity - GSIN

    • R019U - Professional Services / Program Research Analysis
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Aboriginal Affairs & Northern Development Canada
    Contracting authority
    Viner, Celine
    10 Wellington Street
    Gatineau, QC, K1A 0H4

    Buying organization(s)

    Aboriginal Affairs & Northern Development Canada
    Date modified: