Installation of Floating Docks at Carleton’s Wharf
Status Awarded
Contract number FP802-160398
Solicitation number FP802-160398
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number FP802-160398
Solicitation number FP802-160398
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Works covered by this contract concern the installation of floating docks for the fishing area at the Carleton’s Wharf in the Gaspé Peninsula. Works include, but are not limited to:
Supply, transport and installation of ten floating timber docks and the installation of their anchor system on the seabed;
Construction and installation of a steel anchor arm.
Installation of an aluminum gangway provided by the Department.
Construction and installation of a concrete block for the gnagway;
Demolition and construction of a concrete slab on the wharf;
Excavation of the co0ncrete deck for the installation of the gangway block;
Cutting of steel sheet pile;
Snow clearing of site for access to site during the winter period;
Ensure continuity of electrical connection for existing winch.
Work should begin during the winter as soon as possible and must be completed by the next fishing season, which begins April 14, 2017.
Terrestrial restrictions have been put in place at the commercial wharf by Transport Canada. Restrictions are also applicable in the marine environment near the fishermen’s wharf as two fishermen’s boat must be able to moor to wharf and access to the winch from 1 March 2017.
The services of the Contractor will commence upon award of the contract. The expected completion date of this project is April 14th, 2017.
DFO will accept questions from Bidders until Wednesday, January 31st, 2017. These are to be sent directly and only to the contracting Officer listed below.
Enquiries regarding this Invitation to Tender are ONLY to be submitted in writing by emailing to the following:
Lynda Coulombe
Senior Contracting Officer
Telephone: (613) 993-2839
Refer to the description above for full details.