Aboriginal Craft Services

Status Awarded

Contract number 50400-17-2611358

Solicitation number 50400-17-2611358

Publication date

Contract award date


    This contract was awarded to:

    Dreaver, Brenda

    An advanced contract award notice (ACAN) is a public notice indicating to the supplier community that a department or agency intends to award a contract for goods, services or construction to a pre-identified supplier, thereby allowing other suppliers to signal their interest in bidding, by submitting a statement of capabilities. If no supplier submits a statement of capabilities that meet the requirements set out in the ACAN, on or before the closing date and time stated in the ACAN, the contracting officer may then proceed with the award to the pre-identified supplier.

    1. Definition of requirement:

    The Correctional Service Canada has a requirement to provide Aboriginal Craft Services to Aboriginal offenders incarcerated within the Correctional Service of Canada. The work will involve the following:

    1.1 Objectives:

    The Aboriginal Craft Person shall assist Aboriginal offenders toward opportunities to further develop an understanding of traditional Aboriginal crafts and develop skills that will be able to be further utilized in the community.

    1.2 Tasks:

    • Providing instruction to offenders through group participation teach the female patients how to make beaded leather mitts and moccasins and jewelry as well as painting.
    • Conduct workshops for the Aboriginal Offenders regarding traditional and cultural crafts using visual aids and other media.
    • Provide teachings to the Aboriginal Offenders regarding the areas of Aboriginal crafts and culture that will enhance an offender's understanding of traditional beliefs and values.
    • Conducting group discussions on fundamental objects and ceremonies of Aboriginal spirituality.
    • Providing advice/information to staff and management, locally, regionally and nationally on issues of Aboriginal crafts.
    • Expose institutional staff to various elements of traditional crafts upon request and/or as deemed appropriate.
    • On a monthly basis, the Aboriginal Craft Person using the assistance and coordination of the Aboriginal Liaison/Coordinator workers shall report to the Project Authority.
    • Regional Psychiatric Centre will provide all materials and supplies for the crafts.
    • Hours of work will be agreed upon between the supplier and the Project Authority.
    • Upon request the service provider may be required to provide written documentation on participation in the activity.

    1.3 Expected results:

    1.3.1 Finished products that can be inspected and documented.

    1.4 Deliverables:

    1.4.1 The Contractor will provide a written report as they progress through the project. In addition, they will have finished products that will be able to be inspected and documented.

    1.4.2 Paper consumption:

    a. Should printed material be required, double sided printing in black and white format is the default unless otherwise specified by the Project Authority.

    b. The Contractor must ensure printed material is on paper with a minimum recycled content of 30% and/or certified as originating from a sustainably managed forest.

    c. The Contractor must recycle unneeded printed documents (in accordance with Security Requirements).

    1.5 Constraints:

    1.5.1 Location of work:

    a. The Contractor must perform the work at Regional Psychiatric Centre 2520 Central Avenue Saskatoon Saskatchewan S7K 3X5

    b. Travel

    No travel is anticipated for performance of the work under this contract.

    1.5.2 Language of Work:

    The contractor must perform all work in English

    1.5.3 Security Requirements:

    The following security requirements (SRCL and related clauses provided by PWGSC ISP) apply to and form part of the contract.

    1. The Contractor/Offeror must, at all times during the performance of the Contract/Standing Offer, hold a valid Designated Organization Screening (DOS), issued by the Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD), Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).
    2. The Contractor/Offeror personnel requiring access to sensitive work site(s) must EACH hold a valid RELIABILITY STATUS, granted or approved by CISD/PWGSC.
    3. Subcontracts which contain security requirements are NOT to be awarded without the prior written permission of CISD/PWGSC.
    4. 4. The Contractor/Offeror must comply with the provisions of the:

    a. Security Requirements Check List and security guide (if applicable), attached at Annex C;

    b. Industrial Security Manual (Latest Edition).

    2. Minimum essential requirements:

    Any interested supplier must demonstrate by way of a statement of capabilities that it meets the following requirements:

    Experience: Must have a minimum of 1 year of experience in the past 3 years in creating Aboriginal Traditional Crafting (including but not limited to, Beading, moccasin making, and painting) and teaching Aboriginal Traditional Crafting to small groups of 3-12 people.

    3. Applicability of the trade agreement (s) to the procurement

    This procurement is not subject to any trade agreement.

    4. Set-aside under the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business

    This procurement is not subject to any set-asides for Aboriginal Suppliers.

    5. Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement (s)

    This procurement is not subject to a Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement.

    6. Justification for the Pre-Identified Supplier

    Proposed supplier brings a specialized skill set. This includes but not limited to: beading,

    leather working and painting.

    The Supplier assists the inmates in obtaining a higher skill set. The program is a very positive initiative due to the range of her skill set.

    The pre-identified supplier meets all of the minimum essential requirements described in this ACAN.

    7. Government Contracts Regulations Exception(s)

    The following exception to the Government Contracts Regulations is invoked for this procurement under subsection:

    (d) only one person is capable of performing the contract.

    8. Exclusions and/or Limited Tendering Reasons

    The following exclusion (s) and/or limited tendering reasons are invoked under the section of the trade agreement (s) specified:

    This procurement is not subject to any trade agreement.

    9. Ownership of Intellectual Property

    There are no intellectual property terms in the contract.

    10. The period of the proposed contract or the delivery date(s)

    The proposed contract is for a period of 4 years, from date of contract award.

    11. A cost estimate of the proposed contract

    The estimated value of the contract is $79,200.00 (GST/HST extra).

    12. Name and address of the pre-identified supplier

    Name: Brenda Dreaver

    Address: 106 Neatby Crescent


    13. Suppliers' right to submit a statement of capabilities

    Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available to provide the goods, services or construction services described in the ACAN, may submit a statement of capabilities in writing to the contact person identified in this notice on or before the closing date and time of this notice. This statement of capabilities must clearly demonstrate how the supplier meets the advertised requirements.

    14. The closing date and time for a submission of a statement of capabilities

    The closing date and time for accepting statements of capabilities is September 5th, 2017 2:00 PM

    15. Enquiries and submission of statement of capabilities

    Enquiries and statement of capabilities are to be directed to:

    Janet Nelson

    Contracting and Materiel Services

    Regional Headquarters, Prairies

    3427 Faithfull Avenue


    Telephone: (306) 659-9252

    Facsimile: (306) 659-9317

    E-mail: 501contracts@csc-scc.gc.ca

    Business address
    106 Neatby Crescent
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Selective Tendering

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Commodity - GSIN

    • U099AB - Cross-Cultural Training
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Correctional Service of Canada
    340 Laurier Ave W
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1P0P9
    Contracting authority
    Nelson, Janet
    3427 Faithfull Ave
    Saskatoon, SK, S7K 8H6

    Buying organization(s)

    Correctional Service of Canada
    340 Laurier Ave W
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1P0P9