Standing Offer for Building Energy Consulting, Monitoring Services & Renewable Energy Project Design

Status Awarded

Contract number F5211-170009D

Solicitation number F5211-170009

Publication date

Contract award date

Contract value

CAD 500,000.00


    This contract was awarded to:

    SES Consulting Inc.


    Soliciation # : F5211-170009

    Closing Date : Tuesday, July 18, 2017

    Closing Time : 2:00 PM (Atlantic Time)

    This requirement is for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO).

    Title: Standing Offer for Building Energy Consulting, Monitoring Services & Renewable Energy Project Design


    The purpose of this request is to solicit proposals for standing offers for companies with the ability to provide technical and project professional services related to detailed energy studies/assessment of DFO facilities, monitoring/analysis of energy data and renewable energy project design & development professional services. The successful proponents are required to have significant experience in building energy data analysis and the assessment of energy-consuming equipment, appliances, systems and components thereof. Further experience in terms of: process energy analysis/process optimization, fish rearing practices and efficient rearing strategies and small scale renewable energy generation would be of benefit, along with first-hand knowledge of sustainable/renewable energy project design & development.

    As well, the successful proponents are required to have significant experience in the federal framework. Proponents will be available to help DFO staff to prepare, develop and implement energy conservation/management measures or parts thereof on an as needed basis.


     Past and upcoming projects involving energy consulting include the following:

    • Utility monitoring and reporting at minimum 43 sites across DFO Pacific

    • BC Hydro and /or FORTISBC Energy Studies at 15 sites in the past 3 years

    • Sub-metered energy and water data collection, compilation, analysis & reporting

    • Analysis & design of micro generation opportunity

    • Fish hatchery facility assessments and recommendations (looking at water reuse and recirculation technologies)

    The services involved in these and other projects would include: site inspections, condition assessments, energy related assessments, energy conservation measures identification and analysis, design specifications and design development of energy consuming systems including renewable energy options. Project deliverables would include but not limited to: ASHRAE II detailed energy audits with recommendations, engineering drawings, reports, detailed utility data analysis and reporting, energy savings calculations and local utility conservation programs’ applications.

    This standing offer is designed to provide external engineering resources to assist with the update, upgrade and maintenance of the infrastructure components listed above, on an as needed basis. For field equipment, certain items cannot be charged as separate line items because it is assumed that these costs are covered in the hourly rate.

    The purpose of this request for proposal is to obtain a list of qualified companies that can perform these activities to meet the specific needs of DFO.


    The period for placing call-ups against any resulting Standing Offer will be a maximum of three (3) years from the date a Standing Offer is authorized by DFO. The Standing Offer will initially be awarded for a one year period and may be extended for two more years. Call-ups will not be made for services beyond the three year period.


    The total cost to Her Majesty resulting from call-ups against all Standing Offers shall not exceed $ 500,000.00, GST and HST included for the entire period totalling all standing offers issued including option years.

    The number of Standing Offers issued under this RFP shall be up to 5, the value of each to be determined at award.


    There is no security requirement for this contract.


    The basis of selection is Highest Compliant Combined Rating of Technical Merit and Price.

    Enquiries regarding this RFP requirement are to be submitted in writing to the following:

    Cathi Harris

    A/Team Lead - Contracting

    Materiel and Procurement Services

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada

    301 Bishop Drive

    Fredericton (NB) E3C 2M6

    Telephone : (506) 452-3639

    Email :

    Business address
    Vancouver, BC,
    Procurement method
    Competitive – Open Bidding

    Contract duration

    Refer to the description above for full details.

    Commodity - GSIN

    • C219CBA - Energy Engineering: Building Energy Conservation
    Contact information

    Contracting organization

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    200 Kent St, Station 13E228
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E6
    Contracting authority
    Cathi Harris
    301 Bishop Drive
    Fredericton, NB, E3C 2M6

    Buying organization(s)

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    200 Kent St, Station 13E228
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E6
    Date modified: