Spatial and temporal variation of aeroallergens in urban areas in Canada
Status Awarded
Contract number 4500381524
Solicitation number 1000201374
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Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number 4500381524
Solicitation number 1000201374
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
This contract was awarded to:
Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN)
Spatial and temporal variation of aeroallergens in urban areas in Canada
Solicitation Number: 1000201374
1. The Purpose and Explanation of an ACAN
An Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) allows Health Canada to post a notice for no less than fifteen (15) calendar days, indicating to the supplier community that a goods, services or construction contract will be awarded to a pre-identified contractor. If no other supplier submits, on or before the closing date, a Statement of Capabilities that meets the minimum requirements identified in the ACAN, the Contracting Authority may then proceed to award a contract to the pre-identified contractor.
2. Rights of Suppliers
Suppliers who consider themselves fully qualified and available to provide the services or goods described in this ACAN may submit a Statement of Capabilities demonstrating how they meet the advertised requirement. This Statement of Capabilities must be provided via e-mail only to the contact person identified in Section 12 of the Notice on or before the closing date and time of the Notice. If the Bidder can clearly demonstrate they possess the required capabilities, the requirement will be opened to electronic or traditional bidding processes.
3. Proposed Contractor
Aerobiology Research Laboratories
39 – 81 Auriga Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K2E 7Y5
4. Definition of Requirements or Expected Results
This contract aims to support the Spatial and temporal variation of aeroallergens in urban areas in Canada study conducted by HC. Specifically, the objectives of the requirement are the following:
The following tasks will be conducted in order to assess the objectives of this requirement:
Study Objective 1:
Insert daily data for outdoor allergens, pollen and mold spores in excel files for each year (i.e. 2008 to 2012) and for each site (i.e. Vancouver, Edmonton and Winnipeg) and provide the counts in particles per cubic meter of air for 24-hour periods. The data will contain 24-hour average concentrations of ambient aeroallergens for both pollen grains and fungal spores for each year and each site from around Mid-March to early October.
Study Objective 2:
Insert monthly data for outdoor allergens, pollen and mold spores (i.e. deciduous trees, coniferous trees, grasses and weed and for the spores the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota) in excel files for each year of availability from 1994 to 2016 and for each site (St. John's, Charlottetown, Saint John, Halifax, Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Vancouver and Victoria) and provide the counts in particles per cubic meter of air for monthly periods. The data will contain monthly average concentrations of ambient aeroallergens for both pollen grains and fungal spores.
Study Objective 3:
Conduct laboratory analysis of 2380 aeroallergens samples using a routine count procedure to obtain the data. The number of airborne allergen particles per cubic meter of air will be determined by microscopic analysis of the particles adhering to the silicon grease–coated sample rods. Outdoor allergens, pollen and mold spores data will be inserted in excel files for the time period of March 2018 to October 2018 for samples collected in the city of Toronto.
5. Minimum Requirements
Any interested supplier must demonstrate by way of a Statement of Capabilities that it meets the following minimum requirements:
6. Reason for Non-Competitive Award
Section 6 of the Government Contracts Regulations contains four exceptions that permit the contracting authority to set aside the requirement to solicit bids. For the proposed procurement, the following exception applies:
(d) Only One Person or Firm is capable of performing the contract.
7. Applicable trade Agreements and Justification for Limited Tendering or the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business
This contract is a health study and therefore is not subject to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It is, however, subject to the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA). The requirement is being directed to the proposed supplier as permitted under the following sections of the above trade agreements:
8. Ownership of Intellectual Property
Ownership of any Foreground Intellectual Property arising out of the proposed contract will vest in the Contractor.
9. Period of the Proposed Contract
The contract period shall be from date of contract award until the 15th of March, 2019.
10. Estimated Value of the Proposed Contract
The estimated value of the proposed contract is $205,507.54 including all applicable taxes.
11. Closing Date and Time
The Closing Date and Time for accepting Statements of Capabilities is June 15, 2018, 2PM EDT.
12. Contact Person
All enquiries must be addressed by e-mail to:
Name: Yvonne Murphy
Refer to the description above for full details.