Status Awarded
Contract number PO-006825
Solicitation number AL1760
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number PO-006825
Solicitation number AL1760
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
This contract was awarded to:
The Services of a Consultant have been engaged to support the NCC Project to replace the LeBreton Flats exit bridge and rehabilitate the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) bridge, which are located along the Sir John A. Macdonald (SJAM) parkway between LeBreton Flats and Tunney Pasture. In general, the scope of the Consultant’s Services includes detailed investigation and analysis of Project requirements, validation of design and implementation options, detailed concept design options and support to obtain necessary approvals, numerous Design Packages for competitive tender, and supervision of the construction work. The NCC has retained a Construction Manager (CM) who will work collaboratively with the Consultant and the NCC Representative (NCCR) in the development and analysis of implementation options, their sequencing and cost, and delivery of the approved solutions. The Consultant must respect and apply the NCC’s high quality standards throughout all aspects of design planning and production, ensuring ongoing and timely quality control of the Consultant’s work product.
Further information regarding the NCC can be found at .
Refer to the description above for full details.