Status Awarded
Contract number PA-000146
Solicitation number AL1747
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Status Awarded
Contract number PA-000146
Solicitation number AL1747
Publication date
Contract award date
Contract value
Landscape Architectural consulting firm to provide professional services on an "as and when requested" basis under a Standing Offer Agreement (SOA). All projects are located in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec within the National Capital Region. The expected expertise and the possible areas of involvement are:
Open space/corridor/urban and rural planning;
Site planning;
Park design;
Vegetation management;
Heritage landscape conservation;
Irrigation design;
Recreational pathway planning and design;
Public grounds design/rehabilitation;
Shoreline stabilization and bio-engineering;
Environmental and ecosystem planning/design and assessment;
Floral design (perennial and annual bed design);
Furniture and layout design;
Urban design analysis for integration of development proposals into the urban fabric;
Refer to the description above for full details.