Mediation Services Related to Farm Debt Mediation Services (FDMS) For Quebec
Status Awarded
Contract number 01B68-19-0059-2
Solicitation number 01B68-19-0059
Publication date
Contract award date
Status Awarded
Contract number 01B68-19-0059-2
Solicitation number 01B68-19-0059
Publication date
Contract award date
The Farm Debt Mediation Act (FDMA) received Royal Assent on April 25, 1997 and came into force on April 1, 1998. The Farm Debt Mediation Service (FDMS) was established to deliver the FDMA. The service provides a streamlined process of mediation to assist insolvent farmers and their creditors to negotiate settlement arrangements, rather than have those disputes result in costly legal proceedings for all parties. Offerors work with farmers to support them during the mediation process. Offerors will visit the farm to get an understanding of how the operation works, will collect financial information in order to prepare a financial statement, explore options and if required, will help the farmer develop a recovery plan. The Offerors will also be present at the mediation session to provide assistance to the farmer, as may be required. A Mediator is assigned to assist the farmer and creditors explore options for the successful resolution of the case
Refer to the description above for full details.