RFSO 334 - Media Coaching and Training Services
Status Awarded
Contract number P2100107
Solicitation number RFSO 334
Publication date
Contract award date
Status Awarded
Contract number P2100107
Solicitation number RFSO 334
Publication date
Contract award date
The Office of the Auditor General of Canada (“OAG”) requires the services of media coaching and training experts familiar with the work and the role of an agent of Parliament, and with the functioning of the federal government in general, to provide one-on-one coaching sessions to the Auditor General (`AG`) and the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable development (the `Commissioner`) or their designated alternates in connection with reports that will be tabled in the House of Commons from spring 2020 to fall 2025 as further described in Section 2 (Statement of Work) of this RFSO.
Refer to the description above for full details.